Audioholics Featured AV News Article Archives
Germans Break Speed of Light
Germans are always breaking records it seems. This time then went for the big time and took on the speed of light... and apparently won. A pair of German physicists claim to have broken the speed of…
What Do Registered Guests of the Audioholics Event/Party Get?
If you haven’t registered for our 9th Annual State of the CE Union Party, we strongly encourage you to do so as our limited seating is quickly running out. In addition to the great entertainment our…
DRM Renders Google Movies Unplayable
DRM will render legally purchased movie downloads useless as Google Video closes its doors. As consumers are forcibly ushered into the Digital Rights Management (DRM) controlled digital era by…
Sony Battery Woes Continue
Fallout from faulty batteries manufactured by Sony continues to plague the laptop industry. Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. recently has announced its second battery recall within a month’s…
Flexible Paper Batteries on the Horizon?
For years the battery has all but stagnated in terms of technology. Sure, Li-Ion technology has allowed a greater amount of portability and reliability - at least for smaller, portable electronics,…
Universal Remote Control Intros MX-980 Color LCD Remote
URC's MX-980 is a powerful wand-style custom control designed to advance the state of the art of Home Theater programming and integration. It enables professional installers to more quickly and…
DVDO VP50 Pro Gets THX Treatment
Anchor Bay announced that its new DVDO iScan VP50 PRO video processor now comes with THX certification. This revised processor will also feature HDMI 1.3 chips with support for high definition audio…
Yamaha YAS-70 Front Surround System
Yamaha also introduced the affordable YAS-70, featuring an exclusive "Air Surround" technology. The YAS-70 system delivers multi-channel listening experiences through direct and reflected sound (a…
Yamaha DVD-S1800 First Look
Yamaha today introduced the DVD-S1800 universal DVD player and the DVD-C961 Super Audio CD/DVD-Audio Changer. Both offer 1080p video output via HDMI and also support DVD-Audio and Super Audio CD…
Panasonic 1080p Plasmas Rated 100,000 Hours
Panasonic announced thius week that it is rating its new line of 1080p Plasma HDTVs to play for 100,000 hours before reaching half brightness. If you take the U.S. average daily viewing time of 6.5…