Audioholics Featured AV News Article Archives
The Unauthorized Dealer Scam Over?
The Supreme Court today overturned an 87 year-old anti-trust law that prevented manufacturers and distributors from setting minimum pricing for products. This change is going to dramatically affect…
Record Labels are a Mob
In what can be only thought of as the perfect example of "turnabout is fair play," Tanya Anderson is suing major record labels and others under the RICO laws usually reserved for the Mob and street…
Meridian G95 DVD Surround Receiver
Meridian Audio is pleased to announce the US launch of the G95 DVD Surround Receiver. The G95 is a high performance audio and video component that plays CD, DVD, and AM/FM radio, and produces…
Legacy Xbox 360 1080p HDMI Cable Announced
OK, this one is brief but very interesting - especially if you were thinking about trading up your Xbox 360 for the new Elite version hitting shelves. The extra costs gets you a shiny black box and…
Is the CD Becoming Obsolete?
Glancing at a report on this morning, there was an article showing that CD sales are expected to be down 20% 2008 (slightly higher than the 15% drop initially predicted). Why such a drop?…
Hitachi Develops New Brain-Scan Interface
Got this one from the Houston Chronicle... Apparently, Hitachi is tired of the remote control and plans to replace it will brain scanning technology. Before you get out your aluminum foil hats (and…
Apple Working on the iLost GPS System
Apple and Mercedes Benz are working on a new GPS system that will be loosely based on Apple's new iPhone technology and will appear exclusively in 2009 model Mercedes Benz vehicles. Cross-industry…
Panasonic 1080p Plasmas Ship July
Panasonic has already announced its new 1080p plasma display, however it now is official that they will release the first model, the 42-inch 1080p TH-42PZ700U in early July. The sets will sell at a…
Agilent Providing HDMI 1.3 Testing
Agilent Technologies is shipping its HDMI 1.3b compliance solution to five HDMI authorized test centers worldwide. In addition, Agilent leads HDMI 1.3 with volume shipments of its complete HDMI…
Vativ HDMI 1.3a Receiver
Vativ Technologies today announced the sample availability of the VTV2313, the company’s next-generation HDMI receiver supporting the dynamic new features introduced in the HDMI 1.3a specification.…