Recent Speaker Design Articles
Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, 8th Edition Vol.1 Review

The best book about designing loudspeakers just got better! Audio enthusiasts and audio engineers are in luck with the release of the 8th edition of Vance Dickason’s “Loudspeaker Design Cookbook".
MIT Researchers Develop Paper‑Thin Loudspeaker That Can Mount to ANY Surface

A Research team at MIT has developed a thin, flexible loudspeaker that can be mounted to any rigid surface (such as a wall), turning it into a high-quality audio source. Learn about the applications.
10 Loudspeakers Trends That Should End

In this article, we go over ten things that we would like to see change within the loudspeaker industry. Read on to find out what speaker companies are doing that bugs us so much!
10 Audio Myths Debunked For Better Sound

We tackle some of the less obvious but more resilient audio myths that seem to linger despite numerous attempts at correction. We debunk the audiophile myths to help prioritize your hifi needs.
Polk, Definitive Technology First Speakers to Qualify IMAX Enhanced Certification

DTS and IMAX are extending their IMAX Enhanced certification to loudspeakers so consumers will know which speakers will get them closer to that IMAX experience at home. See what brands are first.
Sealed is Not Acoustic Suspension in Loudspeakers

Some vented speakers offer port plugs for sealing the cabinet and making them act like sealed speakers. This does not result in a true acoustic suspension. What's the difference? Read on to find out.
Ten Nonsense Myths About Subwoofers and Bass Busted!

There are as many myths in the audio industry as are written in the pages of a Tolkien novel. With that in mind, Audioholics is taking on the task of myth busting ten bass myths that are nonsense!
Understanding Subwoofer Review Distortion Measurements Part III

In this article, we attempt to shed some light on subwoofer distortion graphs so any reader can follow them to get a better understanding of how the subwoofer objectively perform in our reviews.
Understanding Loudspeaker Review Measurements Part II

The waterfall plots and polar maps often seen in Audioholics' speaker reviews are colorful and visually interesting, but what can they really tell us about a loudspeaker's performance?
Understanding Loudspeaker Review Measurements Part I

Audioholics’ speaker reviews often contain detailed measurement graphs. In this article, we explain frequency response and the set of curves known as the 'Spin-O-Rama' to help you pick better product.
Speaker Grilles On Or Off: Which Way Sounds Better?

Do speakers sound better with their grilles on or off? This article compares the two options to scientifically determine which way is best and what other factors can impact sound more dramatically.
Epique CBT24 Loudspeaker Designer Note by Don Keele

As an addendum to our review of the Dayton Audio CBT24 "Epique" loudspeakers, we have invited the CBT24 designer Don Keele to explain some of the unique aspects of the CBT design in more depth.
A Historical Perspective of the Loudspeaker Impedance Specification

Audio specifications run the gamut from merely “nice to know” to “genuinely useful.” A speaker’s impedance rating should be one of those genuinely useful specs, but you can’t always trust them.
Study Shows No Correlation Between Price and Sound Quality in Headphones

In a recent study of the frequency responses of over 280 headphones, it was found that price had no correlation to frequency response (a primary indicator of sound quality). So why spend more money?
Loudspeaker Power Ratings Part III: The Test Results

In parts 1 & 2 we discuss power handling in speakers and how the test signal affects the results. Now we test with measurements and blow up drivers to find the answers. Updated with YouTube video.
Pros & Cons of Various Center Channel Designs

This article and YouTube Video takes you on a tour of the most common center channel driver arrangements and discusses their strengths and weaknesses to help make the best selection for your needs.
Audio Measurements: The Useful vs. the Bogus in Consumer Audio

Manufacturers and most A/V publications love to publish ruler flat frequency response curves to highlight product positives. This article and YT video explores the limitations of these measurements.
Loudspeaker Drivers: Identifying Legitimately High Fidelity Parts

This article focuses attention on loudspeaker drivers defining the basic core elements that make up the drivers & trade offs associated with various design approaches. Better parts MAKE a difference!
Dipole vs Bipole vs Monopole: Which Surround Speaker is Best?

We explain the various surround speaker types such as dipole, bipole and direct radiators and discuss the pros and cons of each applicable to new immersive surround formats like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X.
The Audibility of Distortion At Bass Frequencies

Want to know how well your sound system reproduces bass? We discuss the audibility of distortion in bass and ways bass reproduction in audio systems can fall short of of a listeners expectations.
The Truth About In‑Wall Speakers

This article will explore the pros and cons of in-wall vs in-room speakers. Assuming that we’re talking about comparably-priced and similar products that differ only in that one is set in the wall.
The Truth About Matching Amplifier Power to Loudspeakers

Do you need to match amplifier power to your loudspeakers? Clipping, impedance, heat, sensitivity, blown drivers, and other mysteries are explored in this article.
Objective Loudspeaker Measurements to Predict Subjective Preferences?

Accurately measuring loudspeaker performance is a universal problem among most loudspeaker manufacturers and review publications. Dr. Floyd Toole discusses the science of measuring loudspeakers.
Headphones: Comparision Buying Guide

Headphone Buying Guide: If you're confused by the various styles of headphones/earphones, read this comparison guide. We identify and compare relative strengths and weaknesses of each headphone type.
The Top Ten Most Influential Speakers of the Last 50 Years

Audioholics reveals its picks for the ten most influential speakers over the last 5 decades. We'll take a trip down memory lane to look at classics from Acoustic Research, Advent, Bose, Klipsch, etc.
Are HRTF’s Necessary in Dolby Atmos Elevation Speakers?

Dolby Atmos Elevation speakers employ a HRTF in their analog crossovers in attempt to trick the brain into perceiving height. But is this really necessary or can it degrade their sound quality?
What are the Best Subwoofers in the World?

Audioholics compiles a list of the finest subwoofers in the world, as well as a couple of our more affordable favorites. Check out our picks and feel free to share yours on our forums.