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Radiohead Gives Recording Industry the Boot Radiohead Gives Recording Industry the Boot Once the purview of unknown artists trying to get noticed and secure a record deal, English experimental rock band Radiohead has gone the way of internet downloading for the release of their latest…
Calling BS on Snake Oil Cables Calling BS on Snake Oil Cables We like to rant, but rarely does a rant result in some pretty productive "put your money where you mouth is" results as it did this week. Dave Clark, Editor of now-disgraced audio review publication…
Apple Hates You Apple Hates You Let's face it, Apple hates you. They really do. But they make such nice stuff it's just so darn hard to get mad. Well, that's why I'm here. I'm that friend that's telling you you're being taken…
Exploring the Depths of Format War Ignorance Exploring the Depths of Format War Ignorance Number of people who don’t know they need an HDTV to view HD content? Survey says… 40. That would be the number of people out of every 100 that have no idea that an HDTV is even required to view HD…
Are You Buying an HD-DVD Player This Christmas? Are You Buying an HD-DVD Player This Christmas? We've set up our own little poll to gauge interest in new HD-DVD purchases this Christmas. We'd like you to participate. What we're interested in are people who do not already have an HD DVD or…
MPAA RIAA Mercenaries Have Shady Activities Exposed MPAA RIAA Mercenaries Have Shady Activities Exposed According to stories surfacing in The Wall Street Journal, Ars Technica, and others, a company called MediaDefender has sprung a leak of internal electronic correspondence that reveals some of the…
RadioShack's Game Gambit RadioShack's Game Gambit RadioShack is an enigma to me. I mean does anyone actually shop at RadioShack on purpose? Well now, RadioShack - the store that cannot die - is taking on Games. I mean console games. Games that are,…
Nintendo Wii Zapper Nintendo Wii Zapper Nintendo announced that its new Wii Zapper interface/controller will come packed with Link's Crossbow Training. The software is based on the hugely popular Legend of Zelda series and provides a…
China Enters the HD Fray with CH-DVD China Enters the HD Fray with CH-DVD The Chinese government announced early Friday a new high definition optical disc standard specifically for the Chinese market: China High Definition DVD (CH-DVD). CH-DVD can make use of a simplified…
UK to Ban Plasmas? UK to Ban Plasmas? According to a report by The Sun, Conservatives in the UK are proposing a ban on plasma TVs and other energy-inefficient electronics. Included are devices such as refrigerators, PCs, DVD players and…