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Die Hard on the Go Die Hard on the Go In an unexpected but not unwelcome move, Fox Home Entertainment is expected to announce that it will include a PC version of "Live Free or Die Hard" on the special edition release. To access the…
VidaBox Servers Support Multi-zone Audio Streaming VidaBox Servers Support Multi-zone Audio Streaming VidaBox LLC is proud to announce multi-zone audio streaming server support for Russound® and Nuvo® audio distribution systems. A VidaBox audio server communicates with the multi-zone music system via…
EA Acquires BioWare and Pandemic Studios EA Acquires BioWare and Pandemic Studios Video game publisher Electronic Arts announced yesterday that it would acquire two software studios from Elevation Partners in a deal worth $860 million. This is the largest acquisition in the…
Why the iPhone Won’t Make it to Canada Why the iPhone Won’t Make it to Canada Apple fanatics north of the border may have world class hockey and universal health care, but they won’t be getting the iPhone. That’s right! The nation that gave American Northeast colleges the…
Emotiva Halloween Specials - Don't Miss Out! Emotiva Halloween Specials - Don't Miss Out! Are you looking to treat yourself to something sweet that won't rot your teeth this Halloween? Emotiva is offering their biggest savings of the year this holiday season. Emotiva’s Halloween deals…
Format War Won - by the Internet? Format War Won - by the Internet? While the audiophiles and first-adopters argue about HD DVD and Blu-ray, the rest of the world moves on, unknowing and uncaring. We've predicted not once but many times that the new formats were…
PS3 for $399 on November 2? PS3 for $399 on November 2? The mysterious and nameless consortium of "analysts/buyers" are working with the understanding that Sony will bring a $399 version of the PS3 to market well before Black Friday in order to better…
Next iPhone to Have Intel Inside? Next iPhone to Have Intel Inside? First we heard that Intel was working with competitors to take on the iPhone. Now Apple is reportedly considering using Intel's Moorestown mobile Internet device (MID) platform processors to create a…
Merry Christmas - Sony Cuts PS3 Prices in Europe Merry Christmas - Sony Cuts PS3 Prices in Europe If you thought the Playstation3 was expensive here in the US, be glad you don't live overseas where the box typically retails for around $843. That's right, don't complain to Sony about the high…
Bose Goes HDMI... 4 Years Later Bose Goes HDMI... 4 Years Later You know HDMI has finally hit the mainstream when Bose decides its products need the new connector. A full five years (give or take a few months) has passed since the introduction of HDMI 1.0 and…