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Sony Buys LCD Panels from Sharp Sony Buys LCD Panels from Sharp In a move designed to give Sony the ability to meet increased LCD television production, the TV giant is going to begin purchasing larger LCD panels (40-inch and up) from Sharp as early as April of…
Pioneer Exiting 42-inch Plasma Market Pioneer Exiting 42-inch Plasma Market According to a report by Reuters, Pioneer is ceasing the production of 42-inch plasma TV panels by March of 2009. It will continue to market and sell panels of that size by obtaining them from…
AVRant #44: Killing Brain Cells  AVRant #44: Killing Brain Cells This podcast is full of topics such as more education about the high def formats (guess we should start referring to it as Blu-ray) is needed. While there are lots of types of compression, the thing…
Polaroid Ends Production of Instant Film - End of an Era Polaroid Ends Production of Instant Film - End of an Era After polarized film was first patented back in 1929, the Polaroid company opened its doors just a scant 8 years later. 11 years later, the first instant cameras hit the market in full force and…
Onkyo Discontinues HD DVD Players Onkyo Discontinues HD DVD Players Onkyo Corporation has decided that Onkyo will discontinue the development and production of HD DVD players. Onkyo has distributed and sold approximately 2000 units of the HD DVD players in the…
Video Gaming Posts Record Sales in 2007 Video Gaming Posts Record Sales in 2007 Good news for the video gaming industry 2007 was a banner year according to sales numbers from NPD. Overall, the industry posted a 43% revenue gain from 2006, earning $17.94 billion in 2007 verses…
Global LCD and Plasma Sales to Double by 2012 Global LCD and Plasma Sales to Double by 2012 According to the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Association (JEITA), a Japanese industry group that tracks these things, flat panel television sales (both LCD and plasma) are expected…
The Brain-Scanning Game Controller The Brain-Scanning Game Controller Not content with motion tracking, eye-tracking or even full body suits of motion-control devices, one gaming accessory developer, Emotiv Systems, is bringing us the EPOC neuroheadset. It reads your…
Latest Xbox 360 Blu-ray Rumor Stinks Latest Xbox 360 Blu-ray Rumor Stinks If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. That’s what Microsoft might be saying after Toshiba sounded the death knell to HD DVD yesterday. Rumors are circulating about a possible Xbox 360 Blu-ray add-on, but…
Impact Acoustics Praises Success of Audiogurus Impact Acoustics Praises Success of Audiogurus After a mere 45 days of partnering with the e-store, Impact Acoustics is enjoying great success. "For a website to be live for such a short time and already drive so many orders for us, is quite…