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Global LCD and Plasma Sales to Double by 2012 Global LCD and Plasma Sales to Double by 2012 According to the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Association (JEITA), a Japanese industry group that tracks these things, flat panel television sales (both LCD and plasma) are expected…
The Brain-Scanning Game Controller The Brain-Scanning Game Controller Not content with motion tracking, eye-tracking or even full body suits of motion-control devices, one gaming accessory developer, Emotiv Systems, is bringing us the EPOC neuroheadset. It reads your…
Latest Xbox 360 Blu-ray Rumor Stinks Latest Xbox 360 Blu-ray Rumor Stinks If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. That’s what Microsoft might be saying after Toshiba sounded the death knell to HD DVD yesterday. Rumors are circulating about a possible Xbox 360 Blu-ray add-on, but…
Impact Acoustics Praises Success of Audiogurus Impact Acoustics Praises Success of Audiogurus After a mere 45 days of partnering with the e-store, Impact Acoustics is enjoying great success. "For a website to be live for such a short time and already drive so many orders for us, is quite…
No More Analogue Cell Phones No More Analogue Cell Phones In all the talk about how analogue television is being phased out, it's easy to miss a milestone in the history of cellular phone service which is passing this week. As of today, analogue phone…
Nintendo Wii Fit Excercise System Due in May Nintendo Wii Fit Excercise System Due in May In May Nintendo will be releasing its new Wii Fit Excersise system that will incorporate a weight and motion-sensing device dubbed the Wii Balance Board, a low, flat device that looks remarkably like…
Use Your Shirt to Charge Your iPod? Use Your Shirt to Charge Your iPod? iPod or cell phone running low on juice? What if you could plug it into your shirt to recharge the batteries! According to a report on Reuters, scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have…
Sony Becomes Largest LCD Supplier Sony Becomes Largest LCD Supplier DisplaySearch released a report today that indicates Sony took a commanding lead in LCD TV sales last quarter - jumping from fourth position to first. According to their Global TV Shipment and…
Universal Studios Announces It's Now Blu-ray Universal Studios Announces It's Now Blu-ray As expected, Universal Studios, one of the two major studios that was putting out HD DVDs, will now switch its manufacturing, marketing and distribution efforts to the rival Blu-ray high definition…
AVRant #43: Proper Planning AVRant #43: Proper Planning Another podcast on the books. Michael Bay did something funny (and for once it wasn't putting his foot in his mouth). Dina was supposed to be here but she couldn't because of technical difficulties.…