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Super Bowl XLII to Broadcast with Neural THX Surround Super Bowl XLII to Broadcast with Neural THX Surround Neural Audio Corp., THX Ltd. and the NFL have teamed to deliver the HD international broadcast of Super Bowl XLII in Neural-THX Surround. The Neural-THX Surround technology will enable international…
Heath Ledger Ghoul Stands: Tragedy on DVD or Blu-ray Heath Ledger Ghoul Stands: Tragedy on DVD or Blu-ray Have you seen the laser-printer memorials to Heath Ledger at the local DVD retailer? Only a week ago I barely knew who Ledger was, but those displays make me sick! I remember when CDs were still an…
Wii, An Xbox 360 Gateway? Wii, An Xbox 360 Gateway? Is Nintendo Wii an Xbox 360 gateway console? Microsoft seems to think so. Critics of Nintendo’s successful game system cite dated graphics and lack of next generation media features as reasons the…
EMP Debuts New Web Site and Partnership with Audiogurus EMP Debuts New Web Site and Partnership with Audiogurus Engineered Music Products “EMP Tek”, the audio video industry’s newest manufacturer of home audio products, today announced the debut of their new web site, www.emptek.com and that they are now…
Qtrax - Worst False Start Since HD-DVD Qtrax - Worst False Start Since HD-DVD In what has got to be the worst false start since Toshiba announced its first 1080i HD DVD player, Qtrax has stumbled onto the scene with its new download service. Apparently the Pentium II server…
Record Industry Caves - Download MP3s Legally FREE with Qtrax Record Industry Caves - Download MP3s Legally FREE with Qtrax After years of consumer-targeting lawsuits and a constant decline in the levels of CD sales, the music industry has switched tactics and decided that all music downloads should be FREE and LEGAL.…
Fox News Challenges EA Over Mass Effect Explicit Sex Fox News Challenges EA Over Mass Effect Explicit Sex Fox News has challenged EA to an on-air monkey court in efforts to expose the naked truth about Mass Effect’s in-game sexual content. Don’t light that cigarette just yet, the controversy over the…
AVRant #38: Imeem vs Pandora AVRant #38: Imeem vs Pandora Blind testing at T.H.E Show?! Who let those people in there? Tom dissects the article. Does he think that it is possible to hear the difference between high-end speaker cables and zip cord? Yep!…
Saving HD DVD?? Saving HD DVD?? Warner's CES announcement of Blu-ray exclusivity has created quite an uproar in the media. Many claim that the HD war has been won by the Blu-ray camp. Does Warner really believe that Blu-ray is the…
AVRant #37: Sounds Better than Real Life AVRant #37: Sounds Better than Real Life Tom's back from CES. Tom gives some love to the listeners (that's you). Dina inadvertently reveals her age (kinda). AppleTV is discussed in brief along with the HD DVD demise. Tom went to T.H.E Show…