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Abrupt End to HD DVD From Paramount and DreamWorks
All that’s left of the format war now are the official announcements of HD DVD abandonment. Thus far it had only been speculated that Paramount was going to walk out on some of its announced HD DVD…
Wii Are the Champions My Friends
Nintendo's Wii outsold Sony's PlayStation 3 again at a nearly 4-to-1 margin in Japan this month according to Enterbrain, a Japanese game magazine publisher. The Wii sold 331,627 units during February…
Robots Will Kill Us All
OK, this may not be directly related to home theater, but every geek I know has a soft spot for robots. It now seems that the department of paranoia, I mean the Associated Press, is bringing to light…
Even China Cannot Escape Music Download Lawsuits
The Music Copyright Society of China launched a lawsuit against China's top search engine Baidu.com for copyright violation, for the second time. According to a Hong Kong-based report on the…
AV Rant #45: Power Conditioner or Rip-off?
This podcast is sure to anger someone... could it be you? You'll have to listen in to find out. Clint and Tom tackle lots of questions like soundcards, 7.1 vs. 5.1, wireless speakers, running wires,…
Sharp, Hitachi in Nintendo DS LCD Price Fixing
Japan's version of the FTC literally raided two factories of Sharp Corp. and Hitachi Display Ltd, according to a report this week citing an FTC official. Both companies are accused of price fixing on…
HD DVD Studio Payoffs Continue to Haunt DreamWorks
How much money did Toshiba lose developing and promoting its doomed disc format? We may never know the wealth hemorrhaged by the Japanese electronics manufacturer. News of studio payoffs have come to…
Hey, That's MY Zombie! Capcom Sued for Dead Rising
According to a Reuters report this week, Capcom got sued on Monday for a possible violation of copyrights in their new game Dead Rising. MKR Group, who owns the rights to the horror movie George A.…
Apple's iTunes Number Two in Music Sales
If you're walking the streets with an iPod or iPhone and a pair of ear-buds plugged into your skull you’re not alone. According to NPD Group, a leading consumer electronics market research firm,…
Sony all UP in the News!
Now that Sony isn't worried about crushing HD DVD under its jackbooted heel, it's got time to focus on other things… like releasing products. To start with, the new BD-Live enabled BDP-S350 and…