Sony BMG Sued for Software Piracy
So when is copying IP not theft? When it is someone else's IP; at least according to Sony BMG. Like a mugger who wears shoes that light up while running, apparently someone at Sony BMG called up to…
WiFi Hotspots About to Go Global?
An interesting turn of events this week showed how some companies may change the way we think about connecting to the Internet in public places. Currently, users have to search out dedicated Wi-Fi…
Music Subscription Service Buzz Grows
As last week's leak that Apple may be in talks to convert iTunes over to a subscription-based service that is included with all iPod sales still simmers, this week has several music companies in…
Sony Launches Mobile Movies
It looks like movies may be coming to mobile phones as Sony Pictures Television is teaming up with AT&T to bring an actual linear TV channel to the mobile phone market. Dubbed "PIX", the mobile phone…
Turn Off Your Home Theaters to Observe Earth Hour
Tomorrow marks the second annual Earth Hour event where major cities around the world will be turning off their power for a full hour. For home theater buffs, perhaps now is a good opportunity to…
Mitsubishi Launches Blu-ray Recorders
Mitsubishi announced on its Japanese website two new Blu-ray recorders in a series that it is dubbing 'REAL Blu-ray.' Mitsubishi Electric Corporation showed off the new players (DVR-BZ200 and…
Making Peace with Blu-ray
I admit that I’ve had my share of anti-Blu-ray rants in the past. But that’s all over now. It’s time for the Toshib-ati to put away the pitchforks and just accept Blu-ray as the high- def disc format…
AV Rant #53: Monster Podcast
Tom and Clint have a ton of email to sort through so they get right to it. They start off touching on watts briefly and then move on to soundproofing. What should you look for when shopping for a…
Xbox Live to Publicly Shame Cheaters
A new policy at Microsoft will force cheaters on Xbox Live to wear the scarlet letter of shame. The largest online console gaming service is laying down the gauntlet to deter gamers from cheating,…
Wii to get Rock Band – Finally!
It’s finally safe to use the title of that old Queen song in a video game news headline because - Wii will soon Rock You! After months of denial game developers Harmonix and EA have finally announced…