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Why DRM Is Bad and Killing Online Music
You've heard us (and everyone else for that matter) harp on how bad DRM is for consumers. What many readers don't understand is why. Microsoft gave us a perfect example yesterday as they issued an…
Comcast Compresses HD - No One Shocked
Comcast and other cable providers are compressing their HD channels up to 3:1. This means softer pictures, audio and video dropouts, and users on Internet forums exposing your bad signal for what it…
Sony's New 2mm OLED Display
Sony is really pursuing this OLED thing to its biggest potential and put out a new display this week that measures just 2mm thick. We thought the original 3mm model was thin, but it seems Sony is…
HD Radio - Next Big Thing or Flop?
HD Radio makes sense. Digital music with meta information similar to mp3, but with even more flexibility. As the digital transition looms nearer for televisions, radio - for the most part seems bent…
Cable a la Carte
It seems to make intuitive sense - why should you have to pay for cable channels you never watch? It's not hard to see the benefit for the end user - only pay for the channels you actually watch. In…
Raging Grannies Urge FCC To Control Net Neutrality
A Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hearing unfolded at Stanford University this week. The affair became a flashpoint for the diverse gathering to express concerns for the first amendment…
An Insiders Look to the Audioholics SOTU CE Event
The necessity to walk over and line up along many others, waiting just like me, inundated my body as I got closer to the main hall. Lights, noise and chatter from the crowd filled my senses and…
NBC Keynote on iTunes: Unreasonable and Unrealistic
I caught wind of a keynote address given by George Kliavkoff on the state of NBC and Apple's iTunes. Back in August of 2007, NBC pulled the plug (decided to not renew) on its contract to distribute…
Paperless Society on the Horizon?
Japan has many long and established traditions, not the least of them is paper. That isn't stopping Japanese scientists from trying to do away with this resource dependent form of communication.…
Juno, Aliens VS Predator: Requiem and Fox Digital Copy
Two notable DVD and Blu-ray releases are available this week - Juno and Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem. Juno wins an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay that went to blogger-turned-screenwriter Diablo…