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Pioneer Unveils 2008 Kuro 1080P HDTVs Pioneer Unveils 2008 Kuro 1080P HDTVs This week Pioneer introduced six new models of Plasma HDTVs for the company’s Kuro line. Pioneer says the new 2008 Kuro models will display black levels up to five times deeper than its 2007 models –…
Comcast May Cap Unlimited Internet Comcast May Cap Unlimited Internet After Rogers, Canada’s top Cable/Internet broadband provider announced it’ll end its unlimited Internet access, America’s number two Internet provider considers the same measure. An insider tells…
Metallica, Radiohead Shifting Attitudes in Online Music Metallica, Radiohead Shifting Attitudes in Online Music A switch of sorts has occurred between two camps in the ongoing online music distribution issue. Radiohead has decided to abandon the pay-as-you-please business and longtime Internet curmudgeons…
Audioholics Teams Up with Evironmental Organization NCCSP at the 2008 SOTU Event Audioholics Teams Up with Evironmental Organization NCCSP at the 2008 SOTU Event The nation’s largest on-line audio-visual (A/V) magazine announced plans today to team with a leading conservation organization, the National Center for Conservation Science & Policy (www.nccsp.org),…
iTunes Movie Releases Trying to Kill the DVD iTunes Movie Releases Trying to Kill the DVD Today Apple announced a deal with Fox, Walt Disney Studios, Warner Bros., Paramount, Universal, Sony Pictures, Lionsgate and New Line to release movies into the iTunes store simultaneously with DVD…
The Scarlett TV Series Hoax by LG Electronics The Scarlett TV Series Hoax by LG Electronics Want to market your new flat panel TV? Why not consider creating the concept for a new TV show, getting it placed into the imdb.com, drumming up a full release party with 500 invitees, bring them to…
Blue Jeans Cable Experience with Monster Cable Blue Jeans Cable Experience with Monster Cable Monster Cable threatened to sue Blue Jeans Cable over IP property relating to an audio connector. What Monster didn't realize is they woke the monster within Blue Jeans owner. See what went down.
Grand Theft Auto IV Hits Xbox 360, PS3 Grand Theft Auto IV Hits Xbox 360, PS3 The buzz over what’s speculated to be the top selling video game of the year was palpable last night. All over North America Grand Theft Auto IV went on sale at the stroke of midnight. Game shops and…
The Evolution of Digital Music On Demand The Evolution of Digital Music On Demand Think back to a time when you couldn’t log onto the Internet and download any song you wanted in little or no time at all. It seems like that was an eternity ago, right? Once MP3s became more…
Disney Vacation or the Industry’s Premier Home A/V Show – How about Both? Disney Vacation or the Industry’s Premier Home A/V Show – How about Both? Audioholics is celebrating 10 years of success by hosting the Biggest Private Media Event of the season. The Audioholics State of the CE Union (SOTU) Show will be open to manufacturers, custom…