Is Synergy In Audio Cables Real or Snake Oil?
PS Audio recently announced a partnership with Audioquest cables citing that their products have a real "synergy" together. Is there any merit this synergistic effect claim or is it pure marketing BS?
What the Apollo Masters Fire Really Means for Vinyl
The vinyl record industry may experience shortages of new releases after the plant that made some 75% of the world’s blank lacquers burned to the ground. What does this mean for future pressings?
Sealed is Not Acoustic Suspension in Loudspeakers
Some vented speakers offer port plugs for sealing the cabinet and making them act like sealed speakers. This does not result in a true acoustic suspension. What's the difference? Read on to find out.
Spaciousness of Bass: Is Stereo Bass a Myth or Reality?
Stereo Bass- Myth or fact? A must have feature for some, but neglected by most. In this article explores the concept of stereo bass and provides guidance on maximizing it’s effect vs the tradeoffs.
ATSC 3.0: Next-Gen TV to Hit 40 US Markets in 2020
ATSC 3.0 or “Next-Gen TV” is the next step in the evolution of digital broadcast television, and it’s coming to more than 40 US television markets in 2020. See what it brings in UHD upgrades.