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Yamaha RX-V2400 Receiver FAQs Yamaha RX-V2400 Receiver FAQs We have received our review sample of the Yamaha RX-V2400 (MSRP:$1000) A/V receiver. We are also fortunate to have a direct contact with Yamaha Engineering in Japan to get any of our…
Dolby Digital vs. DTS: A Guide to the Strengths of the Formats Dolby Digital vs. DTS: A Guide to the Strengths of the Formats With the advent of home theater, consumers are continually demand higher performance. As technology improves and becomes more competitive, increased performance is realized at lower cost to the…
THX Games Mode Overview THX Games Mode Overview THX' new Games Mode is a brand new audio post-processing technology and listening feature for THX Certified Home Theatre components. Games Mode enables video game enthusiasts to experience truly…
What is Dolby Digital Surround? What is Dolby Digital Surround? Dolby Digital is the next step forward in sonic realism and listener involvement. It has already changed the way you experience your favorite films in movie theaters, and is now doing the same for…
Acoustics Facts and Fiction Acoustics Facts and Fiction In 1979 TEAC introduced the 144 Portastudio, and the recording industry hasn't been the same since! In those days a decent limiter cost nearly $1,000 and a good spring reverb unit would set you back…
Calculating Room Modes with ModeCalc Calculating Room Modes with ModeCalc ModeCalc can help you design a new room that sounds as good as possible, or predict the low frequency behavior of an existing room. This tutorial explains the basics of room modes, and tells how to…
Helmholtz Resonant Absorber Helmholtz Resonant Absorber A listening room, defined by its dimensions, can be mapped in terms of a series of pressure peaks and nulls, in all three dimensions. This refers to the creation of standing waves (modes), and the…
Audio Lip Sync - The Next Big Feature? Audio Lip Sync - The Next Big Feature? In the "good ole days" of pre-HD CRT displays, audio and video processing took about the same amount of time resulting in almost no significant delay problems. Back then, no one had to worry about…
2003 Preamp-Processor and Receiver Wish List 2003 Preamp-Processor and Receiver Wish List In light of our most recent findings with many of today's receivers and preamp/processors, we have prepared a "wish list" to assist manufacturers in developing their next generation of products with…
Current Trends in the Recording Format Arena P1 Current Trends in the Recording Format Arena P1 As many of us have noticed over the past ten years or so, CD recording quality appears to be going on a downhill trend. Remarks are commonly made by consumers and professionals that many earlier…