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Upsampling vs. Oversampling for Digital Audio
CD Player Redbook: Upsampling vs Oversampling Digital Audio theory and sound quality explored.
THX Select and THX Ultra2 Certification General Questions
This interview with the folks from THX discusses what is behind THX Select and Ultra2 Certifications. We discuss product performance differences based on these certifications.
Damping Factor: Effects On System Response
Much ballyhoo surrounds the concept of "damping factor." It's been suggested that it accounts for the alleged "dramatic differences" in sound between tube and solid state amplifiers. The claim is…
Filter & Crossover Types for Loudspeakers
The filter type can be described in several different ways. Low-pass and high-pass filters in two-way crossover networks are often identified by their "Q". The Q is the resonance magnification of the…
Loudspeakers: When Is Good Enough, Enough? Part 2
In truth, it is very difficult to know for sure how a speaker by itself really sounds unless you can listen to it in an almost perfectly neutral room. Any listening situation short of that perfectly…
Series vs Parallel Networks - First Order Comparison
Despite many of the myths that surround series networks and their acclaimed superiority over conventional parallel networks for loudspeaker design, both networks can be designed with identical…
The Truth About Digital (Class D) Amplifiers
Firstly I'd like to point out that "digital amps" is a misnomer. There are two categories: Analog-controlled class D. Switching amplifiers…
Audio Cable "Break In" Science or Psychological?
'Breaking in' a cable has everything to do with the insulation - not the wire itself. The insulation (or dielectric) will absorb energy from the conductor when a current is flowing (i.e. when music…
Calculating Inductance of Speaker Cables
How to calculate Inductance of Zip Cord Speaker Cable and how skin effect changes internal inducatance at various frequencies.
High Fidelity, The Miraculous Invention
Audio or high fidelity has been a miraculous invention. If you need to understand why, read Steppenwolf. We audiophiles are at the forefront of a revolution written about by Larry Klein, in Stereo…