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5 Black Friday Home Theater Bargains 5 Black Friday Home Theater Bargains It’s that time of year again! Black Friday is the day of national shopping insanity and retails are enticing you to get out into the traffic.Electronichouse.com has outlined a list of 15 Black Friday…
3-D NFL in Testing 3-D NFL in Testing 3-D technology has finally matured to the point where it can be broadcast, reports the Wall Street Journal. While the event is closed to the public (so call all your friends who might know a guy that…
SAG Walkout - Seeking Strike Authorization SAG Walkout - Seeking Strike Authorization Alan Rosenberg, President of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), stated today that he is seeking to get strike authorization for the union. What this means is that he and the union are putting up a vote…
Blackberry's Voice to Stream Media to Your Car Blackberry's Voice to Stream Media to Your Car A new product is being launched today that will bring a voice to your Blackberry. The device is called iLane and will let users perform basic Blackberry functions while keeping eyes on road and hands…
Denon Partners with Batman in Blu-ray Offer Denon Partners with Batman in Blu-ray Offer Every new blockbuster that arrives to Blu-ray brings talk of this being the big one that catapults Blu-ray into the mainstream. Batman: Dark Knight is probably going to burn the doors off any Blu-ray…
Marantz New Products Interview Demos Separates & Blu-ray Marantz New Products Interview Demos Separates & Blu-ray Marantz made their presence known in a big way at the 2008 Audioholics Expo with their new separates and flagship DLP video projector. The AV8003 and MM8003 are the first of the newly redesigned line…
AVRant #103: Outtakes AVRant #103: Outtakes Clint joins Tom and Dina this week. What’s up with the speaker shootout? Tom gives you the skinny. Tom tells a sad, sad story. A love story gone wrong. Lots of discussion of the facts and not a whole…
Dayton Audio's New Flat HDMI Cables Dayton Audio's New Flat HDMI Cables Dayton Audio has expanded their line of HDMI cables. A flat cable enables you to run the cable under the carpet and behind any home theater system without the bulkiness of round cables. The ATC…
Xbox Experience and Netflix Review Xbox Experience and Netflix Review As most Xbox 360 owners know (at least those that have and Xbox Live account) the new interface went live today. This update completely revamps the interface adding a number of features like 8 person…
Blu-ray Pirates: A Few Lines Short of 1080p Blu-ray Pirates: A Few Lines Short of 1080p Who wouldn’t be attracted by lower priced high-definition movie discs. But pirated Blu-ray discs are getting so good over in China, complete with Blu-ray cases, they’re becoming virtually…