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Marantz New Products Interview Demos Separates & Blu-ray Marantz New Products Interview Demos Separates & Blu-ray Marantz made their presence known in a big way at the 2008 Audioholics Expo with their new separates and flagship DLP video projector. The AV8003 and MM8003 are the first of the newly redesigned line…
AVRant #103: Outtakes AVRant #103: Outtakes Clint joins Tom and Dina this week. What’s up with the speaker shootout? Tom gives you the skinny. Tom tells a sad, sad story. A love story gone wrong. Lots of discussion of the facts and not a whole…
Dayton Audio's New Flat HDMI Cables Dayton Audio's New Flat HDMI Cables Dayton Audio has expanded their line of HDMI cables. A flat cable enables you to run the cable under the carpet and behind any home theater system without the bulkiness of round cables. The ATC…
Xbox Experience and Netflix Review Xbox Experience and Netflix Review As most Xbox 360 owners know (at least those that have and Xbox Live account) the new interface went live today. This update completely revamps the interface adding a number of features like 8 person…
Blu-ray Pirates: A Few Lines Short of 1080p Blu-ray Pirates: A Few Lines Short of 1080p Who wouldn’t be attracted by lower priced high-definition movie discs. But pirated Blu-ray discs are getting so good over in China, complete with Blu-ray cases, they’re becoming virtually…
Infinity Primus Speakers Found To Be A High Value Infinity Primus Speakers Found To Be A High Value The Audioholics reviewed the Infinity Primus P363 floorstanding speakers, and found they offer excellent sound at a street price that hovers around $400/pair.
A Primer on Trademarks A Primer on Trademarks Intellectual property is a matter that regularly plays into the lives of audiophiles. The most prevalent example is, of course, the copyrights in the music we enjoy. However, the ever-litigious…
Best Buy Caught Tricking Customers Again, Now It’s HDTV Calibration Best Buy Caught Tricking Customers Again, Now It’s HDTV Calibration Electronics retailing giant Best Buy is stooping once again to generate business, showing they are willing to go to any length to get it, and they are certainly not going to let truthfulness or…
Emotiva Audio’s Holiday Sale is NOW! Emotiva Audio’s Holiday Sale is NOW! Some people are early shoppers, some just like deals, and others can't resist the glow of little blue lights. For all, Emotiva is here for you. From November 15th through the end of the year, Emotiva…
Call of Duty: World at War on Xbox 360 Call of Duty: World at War on Xbox 360 Everyone’s favorite World War II franchise is back – and despite initial trepidation about Treyarch’s return I’m happy to report - it’s all good! In the wake of Infinity Ward’s already legendary Call…