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Snell Folded into McIntosh by D&M Holdings Snell Folded into McIntosh by D&M Holdings According to an article at Twice.com and repeated by CE Pro, D&M Holdings is moving the manufacture of Snell products to a dedicated facility on the McIntosh campus in Binghamton, N.Y. The…
Vizio Ceases Plasma TV Production Vizio Ceases Plasma TV Production This week Pioneer wasn't the only company indicating it will retreat from the plasma TV industry, Vizio has now made it official that they will no longer produce sets with the technology. Vizio is…
Sirius XM Orbits Chapter 11 Sirius XM Orbits Chapter 11 Sirius XM Satellite radio has been working with advisers in preparation for a possible bankruptcy filing. The New York Times reported late yesterday afternoon that all the preparations for the ailing…
VuDu Saws HD Box Price in Half VuDu Saws HD Box Price in Half Vudu has performed a trick as it tries to cast a spell over a wider audience. Its encore was a genuine price rollback that is sure to make the rest of the streaming movie market take note. VuDu has…
Pioneer to Exit Flat Panel Market Pioneer to Exit Flat Panel Market A flurry of activity has surrounded Pioneer this week, particularly centered around its flat panel display business. We caught a lot of heat with our article last year which predicted the eventual…
Video Gaming Cheaper to Xbox 3 and PlayStation 4 Video Gaming Cheaper to Xbox 3 and PlayStation 4 Every industry by now feels the effects of the economic slowdown. The good news for gamers is that it's not just the price of gas that's being throttled back, it's also your favorite hobby. Research…
Panasonic Posts $4.2 Billion Loss - Cuts 15,000 Jobs, Closes 27 Plants Panasonic Posts $4.2 Billion Loss - Cuts 15,000 Jobs, Closes 27 Plants In 2008 Panasonic posted heavy quarterly losses and lowered annual forcast. Last week they announced and executed massive layoffs. Now, the company again says it will begin round 2 and cut 15,000…
1 Million Xbox360 Netflix Users 1 Million Xbox360 Netflix Users Microsoft and Netflix today announced that 1 million Xbox LIVE Gold members have downloaded and activated the Xbox LIVE application from Netflix since the alliance launched last November. In less…
Sony DMX-WL1 Wireless HDMI Link vs. Gefen EXT-WHDMI Sony DMX-WL1 Wireless HDMI Link vs. Gefen EXT-WHDMI Wireless HDMI could be the perfect fit for your custom Home Theater installation. Or it could be a serious compromise compared to hard wiring your HDMI cable. The latest wireless HDMI solutions,…
Netflix Looks to Add Content Netflix Looks to Add Content After Netflix started streaming movies online and later to the Roku box, the outcry was "more content." Now, according to a recent survey of users, Netflix is exploring new options of bringing…