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3 Tips for Home Theater on a Budget
These days, everyone is looking for ways to save a bit of scratch, but that doesn’t mean you have to scratch your plans for a decent home entertainment experience. A few simple adjustments in your…
Monster Distractions in 3D
Mitsubishi debuts a new line of 3D HDTVs. Meanwhile as theaters across North America prepare for another salvo of movies featuring video’s third dimension - studios and movie theater chains are…
Monster Cable Shifts Back Into Lawsuit Gear Against Monster Transmission
Just when we thought we heard the last of Monster trademark litigations, they’ve defied all logic by attacking one of the last few American companies that actually manufacture their own products -…
Hulu taking over the world? Over Time Warner's dead body!
At least I hope. Last month, Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes unveiled his "TV Everywhere" plan. This is designed to keep paying cable subscribers from jumping ship to Hulu (or other sources) by allowing…
McIntosh Reissues Classic 60s Amps, Price Adjusted for Inflation
McIntosh celebrates 60 years of hi-fi with reissues of classic amps. Included are the MC75 monoblock tube amp (originally released back in 1961) and the C22 preamp (introduced back in 1962). The…
Coming Soon - Flat Speakers
A groundbreaking new loudspeaker, less than 0.25mm thick, has been developed by University of Warwick engineers, it's flat, flexible, could be hung on a wall like a picture, and its particular method…
Roskhilde Releases Audiophile Ears Listening Accessory
Roskhilde Audio, a high-end Danish company of some notoriety in the audiophile circles has come out with a new invention that is sure to bring about some excitement and controversy amongst naysayers…
Warner Starts HD Format War on a New Front: China
With the format war that Warner abruptly ended little more than a year past, the studio has now announced an unfathomable move: revive the corpse of HD-DVD in the China Blue High Definition (CBHD)…
Does OnLive Mean Game Over for Consoles?
A new Palo Alta company wants to stream video games the way Netflix streams movies. OnLive will allow you to play current video games with all the latest eye-candy graphics. But a Cloud Computing…
Blockbuster Runs Hail Mary, Quarterbacks TiVo
As the weather gets warmer we may be more willing to go outside. But fewer of us are going outside to rent movies. That’s been the source of Blockbuster’s woes since it’s heyday in 2002 when it was…