Recent Projector Screen Reviews
How to Install a Home Theater Projector and Screen from Start to Finish

Everything you need to know about mounting a projector and screen, from placement to mounting to fine tuning the picture! This guide will help you install your home theater like a pro!
Carada Masquerade Masking System Review

Carada unveiled, for the first time, its new Masquerade automated masking system at the Audioholics 2007 State of the CE Union Event. To say that this is an industry-changing product (at least in …
Elite Screens F80NWH Portable Projector Screen Review

The perfect screen to complement a portable or dual-use projection system would be durable, portable and equally easy to pull out and set up. Elite Screens ez-Cinema systems match that description …
Screen Innovations Visage Projector Screen Review

Screen Innovations, a company headquartered in Austin, Texas has recently introduced a new revolutionary screen. It is called the Visage (formerly referred to as the ‘Mirage’) and it has the ability …
Da‑Lite Acoustical Imager Projector Screen Review

For those of you with a smaller budget and design concerns from the other half, a new product recently introduced by Da-Lite may make your dream of having a cinema-sized screen in your home a …
Carada Projector Screen Review

The Carada Criterion projector screen offers a bargain alternative to the fixed screen wall systems offered by the name brand companies. The seamless Brilliant White screen material, with its 1.4 …
Projector Screen Shootout: Stewart, Da‑Lite & Carada Compared

For many of us who have fallen victim to the world of home theater technology, there comes a point when we graduate to the "big screen". For me, this happened when I stumbled across a DLA-DS1 JVC …