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A Tale of 5 Installs Part 2 - Surfer Dude Gets Surround A Tale of 5 Installs Part 2 - Surfer Dude Gets Surround "Joe" is a single guy who has youth group meetings at his home and watches movies with friends. He used to have a roommate who had a decent TV and speakers but now it's time to replace the system…
A Tale of 5 Installs Part 1 - Frank's Pad A Tale of 5 Installs Part 1 - Frank's Pad "Frank" is a married guy who would love to have surround sound in his home. He makes a modest living so his budget is wisely limited to around $500 - which lands him squarely in the home…
Advances in Custom Install Technology Advances in Custom Install Technology In case you were wondering, CEDIA stands for Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association. With that in mind, we hit the show floor this year looking to see what was new for custom…
Two Approaches to Whole-House Audio Two Approaches to Whole-House Audio Like most home amenities, electronic systems can be as stripped down or beefed up as you want. As the owner of two adjoining brownstones in Dallas, TX, Tony Chiarello had the unique opportunity to…
Installing Surround Sound - A Primer Installing Surround Sound - A Primer This is a home theater surround sound installation primer.
How To Calibrate a Multi Row Home Theater How To Calibrate a Multi Row Home Theater If you’ve got a multi row theater room, you’re probably wondering what the best method of calibration would be. Setting channel trims and delay settings properly are paramount to ensuring good sound…
Overview of Digital Still Camera Technology Overview of Digital Still Camera Technology There is nothing like the daunting task of buying a new camera. From the number of choices to the fanboy salesman at your local big box retailer it's hard to not only commit to buying that first…
Audiologic Schumakubins Loudspeaker Review Audiologic Schumakubins Loudspeaker Review As a Do-it-yourself speaker builder I have found myself wondering many times as I perused the internet’s vast sea of home speaker builder’s selections as to what some of the DIY speaker kits would…
HDMI Enhanced Black Levels, xvYCC and RGB HDMI Enhanced Black Levels, xvYCC and RGB When trying to get the most performance out of your home theater, few things are more important than proper display calibration. It has come to our attention that many of you utilizing an HDMI…
The $3500 Balanced AV System The $3500 Balanced AV System The following is an entry-level system designed to balance the desire for optimal quality of both audio and video aspects of the room. Key things to note are that this could be a front projection…