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Crestron V24-C 24" HD Touch Screen Display Preview Crestron V24-C 24" HD Touch Screen Display Preview Crestron released a new high-definition V-Panel touch screen this week. Its V24-C 24" HD Touch Screen Display blends full touch screen navigation with HD graphics and full 1080p video via HDMI.
Fiberoptic Studio uRay RGB Eco Tape Preview Fiberoptic Studio uRay RGB Eco Tape Preview Fiberoptic Studio just announced 2 new uRay color-changing LED lighting strips. The new uRay RGB Eco Tape and uRay RGB Link can be used for under-cabinet lighting, or accent or decorative lighting in…
AV Rant #241: Put a Glove On AV Rant #241: Put a Glove On If you read our $600 receiver comparison article, you'll want to hear this podcast. Tom talks all about it. Plus Liz breaks down Spotify for you and promises to host the next Soup to Nuts.
IOGEAR USB Theater Sound Xperience (GUADT51) Preview IOGEAR USB Theater Sound Xperience (GUADT51) Preview Would you pay $40 to make your headphones sound like simulated dts Surround? How about if the device to do it looked like a cool vacuum tube? $40 isn't a ton of money, but can it beat 5.1?
Crestron Prodigy PLX3 Remote Control Preview Crestron Prodigy PLX3 Remote Control Preview Crestron finally debuted its new Prodigy PLX3 Handheld Remote Control, its new long range handheld remote solution control for owners of their Prodigy home automation system.
Netflix Imposes 28% Rate Hike on Existing and New Customers Netflix Imposes 28% Rate Hike on Existing and New Customers While Netflix would like to hide rate increases under the garb of "better reflect[ing] the costs of each" and giving its customers "a choice", what it amounts to is the company passing along costs.
Sunfire Snags Another Subwoofer Patent for SubRosa StillBass Tech Sunfire Snags Another Subwoofer Patent for SubRosa StillBass Tech Sunfire scored a new subwoofer patent (#7,844,068) this week having to do with its StillBass Anti-Shake technology. This is the tech the company is using in its thin SubRosa on-wall/in-wall Subwoofer.
RIAA, MPAA Employ a New Tool vs Pirates RIAA, MPAA Employ a New Tool vs Pirates A new agreement between Hollywood studios and Internet service providers is trying to make it difficult for you to download season one of Game of Thrones instead of subscribing to HBO.
AV Rant #240: Cat Bacon AV Rant #240: Cat Bacon Despite the random name, there are quite a few important issues discussed on this podcast. This week Tom and Liz talk about the new Vizio CinemaWide displays, MoviePass, PlayLater, and Netflix.
Preview: CEDIA Future Technology Pavilion Living Room Preview: CEDIA Future Technology Pavilion Living Room Planning on going to CEDIA this year? The show is September 7-10, 2011 at Indianapolis' Indiana Convention Center. Enjoy this first look at the living room of the CEDIA Future Technology Pavilion.