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Netflix Imposes 28% Rate Hike on Existing and New Customers Netflix Imposes 28% Rate Hike on Existing and New Customers While Netflix would like to hide rate increases under the garb of "better reflect[ing] the costs of each" and giving its customers "a choice", what it amounts to is the company passing along costs.
Sunfire Snags Another Subwoofer Patent for SubRosa StillBass Tech Sunfire Snags Another Subwoofer Patent for SubRosa StillBass Tech Sunfire scored a new subwoofer patent (#7,844,068) this week having to do with its StillBass Anti-Shake technology. This is the tech the company is using in its thin SubRosa on-wall/in-wall Subwoofer.
RIAA, MPAA Employ a New Tool vs Pirates RIAA, MPAA Employ a New Tool vs Pirates A new agreement between Hollywood studios and Internet service providers is trying to make it difficult for you to download season one of Game of Thrones instead of subscribing to HBO.
AV Rant #240: Cat Bacon AV Rant #240: Cat Bacon Despite the random name, there are quite a few important issues discussed on this podcast. This week Tom and Liz talk about the new Vizio CinemaWide displays, MoviePass, PlayLater, and Netflix.
Preview: CEDIA Future Technology Pavilion Living Room Preview: CEDIA Future Technology Pavilion Living Room Planning on going to CEDIA this year? The show is September 7-10, 2011 at Indianapolis' Indiana Convention Center. Enjoy this first look at the living room of the CEDIA Future Technology Pavilion.
SpectraCal Releases C6 (Chroma 5 Replacement) and OEM i1Display SpectraCal Releases C6 (Chroma 5 Replacement) and OEM i1Display We've been using SpectraCal's CalMAN software for our display calibration and reviews for some time. Now, the company is announcing 2 new professional colorimeters: the SpectraCal C6 and OEM i1Display
PlayStation 4, Xbox 720 – Names Subject to Change PlayStation 4, Xbox 720 – Names Subject to Change Sources at Taiwanese tech manufacturer have spilled the beans on Sony's plan for a new console of its own maybe as early as 2012. A next-gen console war for 2012 might be a bit ambitious, but...
Columbia House is Back with Blu-ray - We Do the Math! Columbia House is Back with Blu-ray - We Do the Math! Columbia House (or Direct Brands, as the parent company is named) is back - this time with Blu-ray discs. The deal is very familiar, but this time WE do the math for you. Let us know what you think.
AV Rant #239: Primed AV Rant #239: Primed This AV Rant podcast contains part two in a series of interviews with one of the foremost designers in the field of electrostatic speakers, David Janszen. Also, Tom and Liz talk about the latest in HT
Are Active (HDMI) Cables the Future? Are Active (HDMI) Cables the Future? We've espoused What's Wrong with HDMI before, but we're now wondering if we've just hit a wall. If, from here on out, even shorter runs of HDMI are going to more or less have to be active.