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10 Reasons Why High Definition DVD Formats Have Already Failed 10 Reasons Why High Definition DVD Formats Have Already Failed I'm not typically a doom and gloom kind of guy - really, I'm rather optimistic. But this pending format release/war is simply the most…
Apple Denied $9.99 Movies at iTunes Apple Denied $9.99 Movies at iTunes Apple Computer is currently negotiating with most major studios to add movies to its iTunes Music Store, possibly…
Artison Debuts Flagship Masterpiece Speakers Artison Debuts Flagship Masterpiece Speakers More and more families are choosing large flat panel displays as the focal point of their family or media rooms and until now were confronted with an unwelcome compromise between style and…
More Wi-fi Trouble on the Horizon More Wi-fi Trouble on the Horizon Philips just announced a deal with French semiconductor company Metalink Ltd to supply 802.11 draft-N chipsets for new Wi-Fi consumer electronics products.
Klipsch iGroove HG iPod System Klipsch iGroove HG iPod System Following the success of its award-winning original silver iGroove, Klipsch is introducing the new iGroove HG. Complementing the latest trends in home and office décor, the iGroove HG has an…
For the Dad that Has Everything... For the Dad that Has Everything... Sometimes a product comes along that is so revolutionary, so innovative, that the entire world sits up and applauds. Well, the world may sit up, but that is not applause you are hearing.
Shh… Don’t Tell the Golden Ears! Shh… Don’t Tell the Golden Ears! Those damn kids, riding their skateboards and rollerblades. Always in front of the bank or grocery store. Someone should invent a repellent.…
TiVoCasting the Web to Your TV TiVoCasting the Web to Your TV TiVo subscribers armed with the new Series2 hardware can now view online content through their TV. TiVoCasting lets user's pipe…
Silicon Optix Releases Entry Level Reon-VX Chip Silicon Optix Releases Entry Level Reon-VX Chip Silicon Optix announces the Reon-VX chip, which brings high-performance video processing to the mainstream with optimized features for Hollywood movies and broadcast television. Reon-VX is targeted…
Think Tank Dreams up a Portable Xbox Think Tank Dreams up a Portable Xbox The Diffusion Group is a media analyst think tank that believes Microsoft could be biding its time before diving into…