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Monsoon Announces HAVA Video Streaming System
Monsoon Multimedia Inc, a leading provider of digital video technologies, products and services today announced availability of its HAVA -- the next generation wireless video streaming, place and…
Pioneer Elite VSX-84TXSi 1080p HDMI Receivers
Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. today introduces four new Pioneer Elite® A/V receivers designed for audio and video purists seeking the ultimate high definition home theater. The Pioneer Elite…
Radiient Ships New 1080p HDMI Switch
Radiient Technologies, a Silicon Valley based startup company, has launched its new HDMI switch/repeater, the Radiient Select-4. The product incorporates advanced performance and user interface…
My Yearly Excursion to the Movie Theater
About two years ago, I my wife and I were in Los Angeles with some friends. For years she had heard me explain how great it was to go to the movies in LA, and finally she was going to experience it.…
RTI Announces U1 Waterproof Remote Control
Remote Technologies Incorporated (RTI), brings back to the surface, your backyard's most buoyant accessory, the U1 Waterproof Controller. The U1 Waterproof Controller is designed for reliable…
THX Introduces Certification Program for Integrated HT Systems
THX Ltd., the leading provider of technologies, certification programs and quality assurance standards for the entertainment industry, today introduced the first THX specification for Integrated Home…
10 Reasons Why High Definition DVD Formats Have Already Failed
I'm not typically a doom and gloom kind of guy - really, I'm rather optimistic. But this pending format release/war is simply the most…
Apple Denied $9.99 Movies at iTunes
Apple Computer is currently negotiating with most major studios to add movies to its iTunes Music Store, possibly…
Artison Debuts Flagship Masterpiece Speakers
More and more families are choosing large flat panel displays as the focal point of their family or media rooms and until now were confronted with an unwelcome compromise between style and…
More Wi-fi Trouble on the Horizon
Philips just announced a deal with French semiconductor company Metalink Ltd to supply 802.11 draft-N chipsets for new Wi-Fi consumer electronics products.