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Transmission Line Effects in Video Cables Transmission Line Effects in Video Cables We established a pretty good foundation of the important metrics governing component video cables in our Component Video Cable Definitive Guide article. However, we recently stumbled on some very…
SilverSmith Audio Cables Interview SilverSmith Audio Cables Interview Jeffrey Smith from SilverSmith Audio was nice enough to engage in an informative interview about his cable philosophies and the "science" behind them...
Audio Cables - Science or Religion? Audio Cables - Science or Religion? Audiophile cables are surrounded by slick marketing designed to convince audiophiles that they will improve the sound of their hifi system. We discuss the myths and what really matters in cables.
Cable Distortion and Dielectric Biasing Debunked Cable Distortion and Dielectric Biasing Debunked This article explains the concept of distortion and whether or not cables can exhibit non linear behavior to produce it.
Cross Coax Cables Design vs Zip Cord Cross Coax Cables Design vs Zip Cord There seems to be a trend lately for DIY self proclaimed audio gurus to design alternative speaker cable designs using Coax cables (namely Belden 89259). While their efforts should be applauded, they…
Skin Effect Interview with Dr. Howard Johnson Skin Effect Interview with Dr. Howard Johnson Although this may seem to be a trivial matter to you, many audio cable vendors and forum cults enjoy spreading fallacies about skin effect and "strand jumping" on speaker cables and interconnects. I…
Component Video Cables - The Definitive Guide Component Video Cables - The Definitive Guide Component video cables are a key interconnect element to any Home Theater System. To better understand how these 75-ohm cables can affect a video signal from a DVD player, it is helpful to cover some…