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Understanding Digital Interconnects Understanding Digital Interconnects Keeping a signal in the digital domain until the very last instant before it is converted into the compressions and rarefactions that are sound - or the illumination of pixels or scanning lines that…
Video Cable Shielding Video Cable Shielding All common video signal types--composite, RF, s-video, component, SDI, and the various flavors of RGB--are ordinarily run in coaxial cables, or, as the shorthand term goes, "coax." The features of…
The Truth About Interconnects and Cables The Truth About Interconnects and Cables This editorial gives you the truth about audio interconnect and speaker cables and wires and debunks the myths that often surround them.
Audio & Video Connections Guide Audio & Video Connections Guide For both the newcomer and the old hand alike, connecting equipment in the most efficient and effective manner can be a painful chore. It is hoped this article will improve your background knowledge…
Signal and Connector Types for TV and HDTV Signal and Connector Types for TV and HDTV The article discusses the various signal and connection types for television and HDTV from composite cable to HDMI and more.
Exotic Materials and Audio Cable Construction Exotic Materials and Audio Cable Construction Exotic audio cables often use fancy materials such as silver wire or teflon dielectrics. But do these materials really translate to a performance difference? Read the article and watch our Youtube.
Silver Saboteurs - Are Silver Audio Cables Better? Silver Saboteurs - Are Silver Audio Cables Better? Certainly silver has always had a place in the wire and cable industry. It's long been a fixture in military and high temperature applications. In the case of Teflon wire, you have always seen silver…
DVI and HDMI Video Connections DVI and HDMI Video Connections During the next few months, many manufactures will release new consumer electronic products with DVI (Digital Visual Interface) and HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) connectors. DVD…
TOSLINK Interconnect History & Basics TOSLINK Interconnect History & Basics The transmission of signals using a beam of light was a topic for science fiction writers just a few short decades ago. The ability to harness the incredible speeds and data density capabilities of…
Thiel Audio Interview on Cables Thiel Audio Interview on Cables During our review of the THIEL Audio SCS3 system, we pinged designer Jim Thiel on some technical questions regarding the loudspeaker designs and the choice of internal wiring and crossover…