AXPONA Show Coverage of Hi-Fi Loudspeakers
A special moment in the life of every Audioholic is to be present at the unveiling of a sensational new loudspeaker system, and there are few better places to accomplish that than at AXPONA. We were happy to cover the truly stand out products on this show coverage page so you could get a more close up personal look at them. The speakers we covered here range from affordable to cost-no object designs. Some of the mainstream brands are here but we also covered some of the more unique designs in hi-fi which deserve the attention of anyone interested in good sound but might be overlooked due to their less conventional constructions or less flamboyant appearance or name recognition. We listened to some incredibly good sounding bookshelf speakers whose sound seem to defy their size and some stand out floorstanders that any audiophile would dream to own regardless of whether they could afford to. Now onto the speakers…
The Latest from the Floor
Recent Coverage
Subwoofers of AXPONA 2019

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Ultra High‑End Loudspeakers of AXPONA 2019

Audioholics was at the 2019 AXPONA show and in this segment of coverage we look at the most outrageously expensive tower speakers manufacturers have to offer. Which is your dream speaker? Read on.
Affordable Loudspeakers of AXPONA 2019

At the 2019 AXPONA show, we look at a selection of the more affordable loudspeakers that were on display. This year's AXPONA proves that you don't have to be rich to get good sound.
AXPONA 2018: Six Interesting Speakers over $6,000/pair

We took a look at a handful of the pricier loudspeakers at the 2018 AXPONA audio show which approached the five-figure territory. Read on for our high-end speaker picks and how they sounded.
AXPONA 2018: Six Interesting Speakers under $6,000/pair

We took a look at a bunch of new active and passive audiophile loudspeakers for under $6K/pair at AXPONA recently and came up with a list of our favorites based on listening tests. Check them out.
High Efficient Floorstanding Loudspeaker Roundup 2017 AXPONA

At 2017 AXPONA, we demoed some of the larger, high-sensitivity horn loaded speakers. Sure they cost a pretty penny, but they sounded great and made a statement any audiophile could appreciate.
Tower Speaker Roundup of 2017 AXPONA

In part 2 of our AXPONA coverage, we look at some of the more modest tower speakers at the show. With pricing ranging from $5k-$20k/pair, these are not speakers most of us buy on a whim but can dream.
Bookshelf Speaker Roundup of 2017 AXPONA

Check out our preview of our favorite bookshelf speakers we saw at 2017 AXPONA in Chicago. The speakers range from the low three-figures to the low five-figures, but all offered high sound quality.
Legacy Audio Pixel and Theater Towers Preview

Legacy Audio unveiled the Pixel On-Wall and Theater Tower speaker systems at AXPONA 2016. These speakers are designed for great bass extension and serious output for professional theater usage.