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Acer K132 LED DLP Projector Review
Review: The diminutive Acer K132 LED DLP projector uses an LED light source. That's not amazing in and of itself, except that it boasts 500 lumens of output-plenty enough for home theater use.
NanoHiFi PNH-2200 Portable Desktop Audio System Review
Review: While we had some issues with the NanoHiFi PNH-2200 Portable Desktop System, one thing we didn't have a problem with is the sound. The sound quality is rich, lush, and agnostic of placement.
Oppo BDP-103D Blu-ray Player with Darbee Visual Presence Review
Review: Oppo BDP-103D (Darbee Edition, Darbee Visual Presence, or just "DVP") is a brand new video processing technology that enhances depth and detail by looking at the luminance information.
Star Trek First Contact (2012) CD Review
CD Review: Star Trek First Contact 2012 Limited Edition. This re-release contains over 30 minutes of additional music not on the original 1996 release. A must for music and Star Trek lovers alike.
kubxlab Earshots Portable Speakers Preview and Sound Test
The kubxlab Earshots are very small (the size of a shot glass), portable, rechargeable speakers for your mobile device or laptop. While we do like their design, the sound quality isn't very good.
Akiko Audio Tuning Stick Spectral Preview
A late night visitation brings on horror as one of our reviewer's systems is infiltrated by the Akiko Audio Tuning Sticks. Audioholics everywhere - beware! Check your cables! Don't let them in!
Yamaha NX-P100 Portable Wireless Speaker Preview
Preview: The Yamaha NX-P100 is a Bluetooth speaker from Yamaha that has speakerphone and Siri support, apt-X for CD quality streaming, is splash resistant, and can even charge your phone. $200.
Logitech Harmony Ultimate & Smart Control Remotes Review
Review: The Logitech Harmony Ultimate & Harmony Smart Control Remotes have reinvented Harmony yet again and brought them to the forefront of user-based remote control programming for the home theater.
B&W C5 In-Ear Headphones Review
Review: B&W;’s C5 in-ear headphones feature an innovative loop design that provides comfort and stability to active users while delivering audiophile performance in a portable package.
VIZIO Co-Star LT Streaming Box Preview
The VIZIO Co-Star LT has almost all the functionality of the original Co-Star but costs $20 less. It has tons of apps, can connect wirelessly, stream 1080p and 3D, and pass through 5.1 audio.