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US Air Force Adopts Spatial Audio For F‑16 Headsets

— March 14, 2025 00:00

US Air Force Adopts Spatial Audio For F-16 Headsets

Danish aerospace company Terma will supply proprietary 3D-Audio system to the USAF fleet of F-16 aircraft. The spatial audio system helps pilots make faster and better-informed decisions with sound.

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AV123 x‑statik Tower Loudspeaker

— March 04, 2008 16:02

AV123 x-statik Tower Loudspeaker

The new x-statik open baffle tower starting at $699/pr was designed from the ground up by AV123's Mark Schifter and renowned speaker designer Danny Richie. The x-statik will launch with a companion

AV News

Plasma TV is Dead ‑ Pioneer Exits

— March 04, 2008 09:00

Plasma TV is Dead - Pioneer Exits

You heard it here first: Plasma TV is dead. As we predicted several years ago, plasma technology is on its way out. Putting one of the nails in the lengthy coffin is Pioneer Corp, who is stopping ALL

AV News

Dogs Used to Stamp Out DVD Piracy

— March 04, 2008 08:02

Dogs Used to Stamp Out DVD Piracy

According to an AP report issued today, Malaysian authorities hope two specially trained dogs will help police sniff out pirated DVDs and clean up the country's tarnished reputation as an abuser of

AV News

Bully Sequel for Wii, Xbox 360 Gives Teacher’s Group a Wedgie

— March 04, 2008 05:10

Bully Sequel for Wii, Xbox 360 Gives Teacher’s Group a Wedgie

Bullying in high school may not be one of the great plagues of our civilization. But if you’re a 14 year old misfit living in dread of that walk to third hour English, your perspective could be very

AV News

Nine Inch Nails Advances Online Music

— March 03, 2008 13:17

Nine Inch Nails Advances Online Music

Nine Inch Nails, the band that made Industrial/Goth go pop is following Radiohead’s example in online music distribution. Based on announcements from other artists like Oasis and Jamiroquai - others

AV News

DVD Dead in 18 Months? We Don't Think So.

— March 03, 2008 10:30

DVD Dead in 18 Months? We Don't Think So.

Now that the high-definition disc format war is over, there is a lot of speculation about what exactly will happen next. Will Blu-ray players drop in price enough to really motivate consumers to get

AV News

Deconstructing the WGA Strike ‑ Prepping for SAG

— March 03, 2008 08:01

Deconstructing the WGA Strike - Prepping for SAG

As with many things in Hollywood, there are a lot of behaviors that simply defy logic or explanation. One of those behaviors is centered around the rather unpleasant, yet common occurrence of actors,

AV News

Samsung Releases New 3D Plasmas with EA

— March 01, 2008 06:36

Samsung Releases New 3D Plasmas with EA

In March, Samsung Electronics has released a couple of 3D PDP TVs in Korea this week in a partnership with Electronic Arts (EA). This is a world first, and partnering with the world’s largest game

AV News

Wii Are the Champions My Friends

— February 29, 2008 08:58

Wii Are the Champions My Friends

Nintendo's Wii outsold Sony's PlayStation 3 again at a nearly 4-to-1 margin in Japan this month according to Enterbrain, a Japanese game magazine publisher. The Wii sold 331,627 units during February

AV News

Robots Will Kill Us All

— February 29, 2008 08:15

Robots Will Kill Us All

OK, this may not be directly related to home theater, but every geek I know has a soft spot for robots. It now seems that the department of paranoia, I mean the Associated Press, is bringing to light

AV News

Even China Cannot Escape Music Download Lawsuits

— February 29, 2008 07:49

Even China Cannot Escape Music Download Lawsuits

The Music Copyright Society of China launched a lawsuit against China's top search engine Baidu.com for copyright violation, for the second time. According to a Hong Kong-based report on the

AV News

Sharp, Hitachi in Nintendo DS LCD Price Fixing

— February 28, 2008 07:10

Sharp, Hitachi in Nintendo DS LCD Price Fixing

Japan's version of the FTC literally raided two factories of Sharp Corp. and Hitachi Display Ltd, according to a report this week citing an FTC official. Both companies are accused of price fixing on

AV News

HD DVD Studio Payoffs Continue to Haunt DreamWorks

— February 27, 2008 16:05

HD DVD Studio Payoffs Continue to Haunt DreamWorks

How much money did Toshiba lose developing and promoting its doomed disc format? We may never know the wealth hemorrhaged by the Japanese electronics manufacturer. News of studio payoffs have come to

AV News

Hey, That's MY Zombie! Capcom Sued for Dead Rising

— February 27, 2008 08:57

Hey, That's MY Zombie! Capcom Sued for Dead Rising

According to a Reuters report this week, Capcom got sued on Monday for a possible violation of copyrights in their new game Dead Rising. MKR Group, who owns the rights to the horror movie George A.

AV News

Apple's iTunes Number Two in Music Sales

— February 26, 2008 17:01

Apple's iTunes Number Two in Music Sales

If you're walking the streets with an iPod or iPhone and a pair of ear-buds plugged into your skull you’re not alone. According to NPD Group, a leading consumer electronics market research firm,

AV News

Sony all UP in the News!

— February 26, 2008 11:56

Sony all UP in the News!

Now that Sony isn't worried about crushing HD DVD under its jackbooted heel, it's got time to focus on other things… like releasing products. To start with, the new BD-Live enabled BDP-S350 and

AV News

ABC to Offer Shows via On‑Demand Cable

— February 26, 2008 07:52

ABC to Offer Shows via On-Demand Cable

We've long predicted that cable would rise to the occasion and begin to offer greater and greater amounts of on-demand content. Eventually, it would stand to reason that with the proper service and

AV News

Get Burned in the Latest Format War? Make Red just like Blu

— February 25, 2008 15:17

Get Burned in the Latest Format War?  Make Red just like Blu

It is bad enough that a transition from SD/480i prerecorded content is asking consumers to shell out more money for the same movies in HD/1080p, but at least there is an improvement in video and

AV News

New Technology to Push 40Mbps DSL over Existing Copper Wire

— February 25, 2008 13:31

New Technology to Push 40Mbps DSL over Existing Copper Wire

Rim Semiconductor Company may breathe new life into the existing copper wire infrastructure, allowing phone companies that offer Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) to significantly boost speeds. Rim

AV News

Microsoft Ends HD‑DVD Sales

— February 25, 2008 07:31

Microsoft Ends HD-DVD Sales

From the Department of Obvious comes a report that, gasp, Microsoft is ceasing all manufacture of external HD DVD players for its Xbox 360 console. This came just days after Toshiba conceded defeat

AV News

Sony Buys LCD Panels from Sharp

— February 25, 2008 06:58

Sony Buys LCD Panels from Sharp

In a move designed to give Sony the ability to meet increased LCD television production, the TV giant is going to begin purchasing larger LCD panels (40-inch and up) from Sharp as early as April of

AV News

Pioneer Exiting 42‑inch Plasma Market

— February 25, 2008 06:28

Pioneer Exiting 42-inch Plasma Market

According to a report by Reuters, Pioneer is ceasing the production of 42-inch plasma TV panels by March of 2009. It will continue to market and sell panels of that size by obtaining them from

AV News

Polaroid Ends Production of Instant Film ‑ End of an Era

— February 22, 2008 09:23

Polaroid Ends Production of Instant Film - End of an Era

After polarized film was first patented back in 1929, the Polaroid company opened its doors just a scant 8 years later. 11 years later, the first instant cameras hit the market in full force and

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Onkyo Discontinues HD DVD Players

— February 21, 2008 17:28

Onkyo Discontinues HD DVD Players

Onkyo Corporation has decided that Onkyo will discontinue the development and production of HD DVD players. Onkyo has distributed and sold approximately 2000 units of the HD DVD players in the

AV News

Video Gaming Posts Record Sales in 2007

— February 21, 2008 14:00

Video Gaming Posts Record Sales in 2007

Good news for the video gaming industry 2007 was a banner year according to sales numbers from NPD. Overall, the industry posted a 43% revenue gain from 2006, earning $17.94 billion in 2007 verses

AV News

Global LCD and Plasma Sales to Double by 2012

— February 21, 2008 08:33

Global LCD and Plasma Sales to Double by 2012

According to the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Association (JEITA), a Japanese industry group that tracks these things, flat panel television sales (both LCD and plasma) are expected

AV News

The Brain‑Scanning Game Controller

— February 21, 2008 08:06

The Brain-Scanning Game Controller

Not content with motion tracking, eye-tracking or even full body suits of motion-control devices, one gaming accessory developer, Emotiv Systems, is bringing us the EPOC neuroheadset. It reads your

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Impact Acoustics Praises Success of Audiogurus

— February 20, 2008 11:45

Impact Acoustics Praises Success of Audiogurus

After a mere 45 days of partnering with the e-store, Impact Acoustics is enjoying great success. "For a website to be live for such a short time and already drive so many orders for us, is quite