Audioholics Featured AV News Article Archives
Sony and Panasonic Lose Nearly $5 Billion, Industry in Decline
We all knew that the consumer electronics market was going to take a hit with the slumping world economy. What we didn't expect was that Sony and Panasonic would lose nearly $5 billion dollars during…
Aragon and Acurus Sold to Indy Audio Labs
Anyone who has followed the world of high-end home theater may recall the Klipsch-Aragon debacle that resulted in Klipsch buying out, and completely abandoning, the Aragon brand 8 years ago. This…
Losing Money Opens Door for Hulu
Just when you may have given up on ever getting access to Hulu in your country (those of you outside the US), a light has emerged. Hulu is currently penning deals with six to eight new markets which…
Blu-ray Making Gains Like A-Rod
According to NPD Group, Blu-ray is well on its way to mass market acceptance. The format is kicking disc and taking names with first quarter ’09 standalone player sales growing 72 percent in the US…
Vudu Service Joins Entone IPTV
On Demand movie services and set-top products are forming alliances like Intergalactic Empires in a Star Trek movie. Soon after Blockbuster On-Demand began quarterbacking TiVo, Amazon On-Demand also…
Epson Ensemble HD Next-gen Home Theater
Most of us feel as good about Home Theater in a Box as we do about meals at a drive-thru. Epson’s Ensemble HD system takes all the convenience of HTiB but brings the weight of its brand behind a…
HDMI 1.4 Spec Coming Soon
HDMI 1.3 not interesting enough for you? Welcome to the wonderful world of 1.4. While it hasn't hit shelves yet, apparently it will soon. According to a press release at HDMI, the new spec will…
Holographic Storage on the Horizon
General Electric has announced that they have a made a breakthrough in holographic storage technology according to the New York Times. While not an new technology, it has been outside of the reach of…
MPAA Battles DVD Ripping in Court
A court case has just begun that could have deep implications into copyright laws. Representing major Hollywood studios the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) could put Fair Use in jeopardy…
Amazon Video on Demand in HD
The options for HDTV movie viewing keep growing. Some might say it’s been a long time coming but finally Amazon’s Video on Demand service is offering some HD movie titles. The service goes out to…