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Audi A8 to have Onboard WiFi Hotspot Audi A8 to have Onboard WiFi Hotspot Luxury cars are rushing to integrate factory-installed WLAN hotspots in their vehicles, but the winner of the "most high tech technology no one can afford" award needs to go to the 2011 Audi A8 sedan.
Sony Caters to iPod with Tune Tray Car Stereos Sony Caters to iPod with Tune Tray Car Stereos You know the iPod has hit critical mainstream when Sony integrates it into its vehicular head units, recently introducing two new stereo head units, the DSX-S300BT and DSX-S200X, with built-in trays.
Sony PS3 to Bring 3-D Gaming to Consumers this Year Sony PS3 to Bring 3-D Gaming to Consumers this Year Sony announced that it would be rolling out three reworked titles from its Playstation 3 store next month - at least in Japan to start. This will correspond to the release of 3-D Bravia televisions.
Apple FaceTime App and iPhone 4 Announced at WWDC Apple FaceTime App and iPhone 4 Announced at WWDC Today's WWDC keynote event held few surprises as Steve Jobs announced the newest 4th generation iPhone 4, dubbed, conveniently, "iPhone 4". The iPhone 4 features an all-new thinner design.
Warner Sues Superman, Gets Sued for Piracy Warner Sues Superman, Gets Sued for Piracy Lex Luthor couldn’t have come up with a better legal entanglement for Warner Brothers. The movie studio that owns DC Comics stands accused of pirating a German company’s anti-piracy software.
Google Switches to Mac, Bans Windows Over Security Flaws Google Switches to Mac, Bans Windows Over Security Flaws Google, who employs over 10,000 people worldwide, is gradually but systematically ditching Windows across its entire company due to security concerns. It's a security effort, said one Google employee.
Apple Overtakes Microsoft as 2nd Largest U.S. Company Apple Overtakes Microsoft as 2nd Largest U.S. Company Something big happened yesterday. And yet it remained largely unreported. Apple had finally overtaken Microsoft in terms of market capitalization, making it the second largest company in the U.S.
Sony's GoogleTV Android Alliance Sony's GoogleTV Android Alliance Sony Corp. Chairman, Sir Howard Stringer concluded a press conference about its forthcoming Android-based Internet TV yesterday with a widely quoted declaration: "This really is a very big deal."
Prof. Dr. Fritz Sennheiser Dies at 98 Prof. Dr. Fritz Sennheiser Dies at 98 Late during the evening of 17 May 2010, only a few days after his 98th birthday, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Sennheiser, audio pioneer and founder of today’s Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co KG, passed away.
MTV Games 2nd Annual Rock Band Competition at Harrah's MTV Games 2nd Annual Rock Band Competition at Harrah's Harrah's Entertainment and MTV Games are once again seeking the best Rock Band gamers in the U.S. The winning band will receive $10,000 and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet Ringo Starr.