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PMC Speakers and Auro-3D Demo Immersive Surround for UK Record Producers PMC Speakers and Auro-3D Demo Immersive Surround for UK Record Producers Auro-3D teamed up with PMC speakers to give a 3D Immersive Surround Demo to UK's most influential record producers. All discrete speakers were used for accurate sound across a wide listening area.
 Auro-3D Upgrade Is Here for Denon/Marantz Atmos AV Receivers & Pre/Pros Auro-3D Upgrade Is Here for Denon/Marantz Atmos AV Receivers & Pre/Pros Auro-3D Upgrade is here on select Denon/Marantz Atmos AV Receivers and Processors. For $199, you get the Auro-3D codec and the Auro-Matic upmixer.
Dolby Atmos Compatibility Issues on Older Blu-ray Players Dolby Atmos Compatibility Issues on Older Blu-ray Players Theoretically, Dolby Atmos doesn't require you to upgrade your Blu-ray player. However, users of certain older model BD players may experience audio dropouts with some TrueHD and Atmos tracks.
Sonos Sues D&M over Denon HEOS Wireless Speaker Systems Sonos Sues D&M over Denon HEOS Wireless Speaker Systems Industry News: Back on October 21st, Sonos co-founder and general counsel Craig Shelburne announced the company would be suing D&M; Holdings over Denon's new HEOS wireless speaker line.
SVS Now in Magnolia Design Centers SVS Now in Magnolia Design Centers News: Today, SVS announced their subwoofers will now be carried by Magnolia Design Centers. Yes, the ones inside Best Buy.
XTZ's Wireless Cinema System Debuts & WiSA News XTZ's Wireless Cinema System Debuts & WiSA News XTZ debuted their wireless Cinema Series home theater at the 2014 CEDIA Expo in Denver. The system is built around Summit wireless modules which can transmit audio at 96kHz/24 bit resolution.
Onkyo and Pioneer Finalize Sale Onkyo and Pioneer Finalize Sale News: Pioneer is selling its home AV arm to Onkyo in exchange for a 14.95% stake in Onkyo. Both brands will be maintained after the sale, according to the companies.
Panasonic Revives the Technics Brand Panasonic Revives the Technics Brand After a brief hiatus, Panasonic has revived the Technics marque, announcing two new lineups, the R1 Reference series and the C700 Premium line. Audiophiles rejoice your beloved brand is back!
Pioneer Selling Its Home A/V Electronics Subsidiary Pioneer Selling Its Home A/V Electronics Subsidiary Industry News: Pioneer has officially announced they will be selling their home A/V electronics subsidiary in the face of declining sales. Click to read all the details.
Marantz and Denon Announce New A/V Receivers with Dolby Atmos Sound Marantz and Denon Announce New A/V Receivers with Dolby Atmos Sound AV News: Denon and Marantz have jumped on the Dolby Atmos wagon with the announcement of new A/V receivers and pre/pros capable of delivering up to 11.1 channels of sound with new height channels.