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Acer Introduces New DLP Projectors Acer Introduces New DLP Projectors Acer America Corporation, one of the leading worldwide suppliers of IT solutions, today announced a new range of portable projection systems for SOHO and SMB environments. The new PD116P and PD525…
InFocus X3 DLP Projector InFocus X3 DLP Projector Business by day, entertainment by night. Imagine relying on a single product to deliver a well-polished sales presentation and to also host an envy-inducing movie night with friends. Today, with the…
LG Announces Plasma HDTVs with HD DVRs LG Announces Plasma HDTVs with HD DVRs LG Electronics today introduced the world's first plasma integrated high-definition televisions (HDTVs) with a built-in high-definition digital video recorder (HD-DVR). Available in 50- and…
Inflatable Big Screen for the Ultimate Pool Party Inflatable Big Screen for the Ultimate Pool Party Now you can host outdoor film screenings for family and guests in a big, high-quality way. Using the giant, inflatable screen on the SuperScreen™ Outdoor Theater System, you can make the most of your…
Sony & Toshiba Working to Unify Blu-ray and HD-DVD Sony & Toshiba Working to Unify Blu-ray and HD-DVD Sony Corp and Toshiba Corp. said Thursday they are in negotiations about how to resolve their competing next-generation optical disk formats, aiming to give consumers a unified video technology.
Disney Announces New Personal DVD Players Disney Announces New Personal DVD Players With summer just around the corner, Disney Consumer Products is expanding its popular line of electronics for kids, with new portable DVD/CD players ideal for summer fun and family outings. Available…
New Slappa 600 Pro HardBody Case New Slappa 600 Pro HardBody Case The new 600 Pro HardBody case broadens the SLAPPA CD storage line by introducing the largest capacity CD storage case of its kind to date. The 600 Pro's ultra-portable design, featuring sturdy…
DIRECTV Tosses Lifeline to VOOM Customers DIRECTV Tosses Lifeline to VOOM Customers VOOM customers, despairing over the loss of their HD service, which goes dark at the end of this month, have been thrown a lifeline by DIRECTV. DIRECTV is offering a $200 mail-in rebate on its HD…
1080p DLP TVs Enter Volume Production 1080p DLP TVs Enter Volume Production Texas Instruments recently announced that its 1920 x 1080 high-definition (HD) resolution DLP TV technology has been fully qualified and is in production shipment to customers. DLP TVs are expected…
HandHeld Entertainment Launches Digital Indie Downloads HandHeld Entertainment Launches Digital Indie Downloads HandHeld Entertainment today announced plans to launch a large-scale digital download system populated with content from independent filmmakers from around the world. The system's content will…