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Qsonix Q100 Digital Music System Review
The Qsonix Q100 Digital Music System has a 15" touchscreen, 160 gigs of storage, and the interface is simple enough for anyone to use. At $5500, it is aimed at the custom install crowd.
Impact Acoustics Meteora Speaker Cable Review
Impact Acoustics offers the Meteora speaker cable for users looking to get performance on a budget. Excellent performance, no nonsense build quality and snake oil free: Highly Recommended!
Roadmaster VRFM9 FM Modulator Review
You’re going on a road trip. This isn’t a question – it’s summer and I know you’re gearing up to take the family on that Griswold vacation that will leave you craving anything but fast food and…
ADS Tech SimpleTOUCH USB 2.0 External Drive Review
If you’re reading this it’s a good bet that you have a PC. Either that or you’re at the library or school and probably should be studying instead of reading product reviews - but I digress. If you’re…
Slim Devices Squeezebox v3 Digital Music Player Review
With the Slim Devices Squeezebox v3, users can rip their CDs to a hard disc in one of the lossless formats and play it back through the high fidelity Burr-Brown 24-bit DAC.
2partsfusion DMS-701 Media Server HTPC Review
If you are at all PC savvy and don't mind having to fiddle with it, the 2partsfusion DMS-701 can be a toy that will bring you years of pleasure. At its price point, no set-top box can compete.
Antex XM3000 Triple Play Receiver
When I received word that I would be reviewing the Antex TriplePlay XM-3000 receiver I thought, “WhooHoo! Score, baby!” finally, a chance to play with satellite radio and perhaps convince both of us…
Yamaha MusicCAST MCX-2000 Digital Music Server Review
The Yamaha MusicCAST MCX-2000 is a dream come true to anyone looking for an easy to use, intelligent file management and server solution for their music database.
Blue Jeans 5T00UP 10AWG Speaker Cable Review
Blue Jeans 5T00UP 10AWG Speaker Cable is the real deal. With the flexibility of customizing cable lengths and termination types, CL3 approval, and more, you can't go wrong with Blue Jeans Cable.
Impact Acoustics RapidRun Interconnect Review
Impact Acoustics recently introduced RapidRun, a two part system where the main wire runner is installed in the framework of your home, then you choose the termination module and/or breakout cable.