Recent Home Theater Editorials
New Partnership To Make Dirac Live Integration Easier For Audio Manufacturers

A new partnership integrates Dirac Live room correction into the Peerless Flow DSP platform, enabling home and pro audio companies to integrate Dirac Live seamlessly and efficiently.
Toshiba Investigates DLP Lamp Problems

The company's new HD DVD Player may have taken Toshiba's share of press lately, letting rumors of its DLP lamp problems…
Reaping what you Sow

Being a fairly sarcastic person (and by fairly I mean very), one has to be aware of the karmic toll one's actions are sure…
World's Smallest Projector ‑ In Your Eye!

We all like small. I mean, come on - thinner TV screens, smaller parts for a more compact design... About the only thing we…
Exploration of the Best Rock Saxophone Solos

"Learn to work with a saxophone, I play just what I feel…" - Steely Dan
Format Wars: Feel the Angst

Angst. A feeling of anxiety that may or may not be accompanied by depression. We've all felt it at one time or another. Many of us during our formative years…
Flushing Out Myths In Consumer Audio

Being a consumer in such a vast and complex field as consumer audio and video can be frustrating for neophytes looking to increase their knowledge base in hopes of making educated purchasing …
IPTV ‑ The Sky is Falling!

HD camcorders were beautiful and prices were heading in the right direction at NAB. Monitors were gorgeous and prices were heading in the right…
OPRA Tackles the Tough Questions ‑ April 2006

In the continuing tradition of staring unflinchingly into the face to the tough questions and just winging it, OPRA (that's me) once again pits his limited wits to the most vexing and immaterial …
iPod to Have Samsung Inside

On Wednesday April 26th Samsung Electronics Co. announced it was awarded a major contract with Apple Computer Inc . The South Korean consumer electronics firm won its bid to produce the chips that …
Matsushita Says NO to HD DVD‑BD Compromise

Matsushita (aka Panasonic in the US) is flat out removing any hope (as if there was any) of the Blu-ray and HD DVD formats coming together, saying: "The market will decide."
My First Audioholics Anonymous Meeting...

It was about time I attending my first meeting. Three interventions and an ultimatum from my wife finally convinced me to go. Held in a library (no loud noises allowed), the group was a hodgepodge of …
What? iPods and Massages Don't Mix?

Best Buy has closed its original eq-life store in Richfield, Minn., a suburb of the Twin Cities. The retailer is keeping…
Microsoft Commits to World Cyber Games through 2008

The World Cyber Games (WCG) is an international computer game festival held all over the world. The e-sports take place entirely within the medium of cyberspace as gamers compete in this …
Mitsubishi's Laser Rear Projector Display

Just two months after announcing the development of the first laser HDTV in February '06 the new display technology will be unveiled in a demonstration this week. Mitsubishi is set to show off a 52 …
Of Movie Theaters and Shrinking DVD Windows

Doug Shapiro of Bank of America Securities introduced Shari Redstone, President of National Amusements (a privately held chain of screen exhibitors). Of course, Shari is also in line to be a …
Manufacturers to Certify HDMI Products with SimplayHD

New Designation Ensures HDMI Sources Work with HDMI Displays, in Any Scenario, Including HDCP
Cablevision to Test Remote Storage Video Recorder

Cablevision Systems, a Cable TV provider that serves areas of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut is working on a unique remote…
AT&T Says Get ready for IPTV

Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is an idea that we've known is coming for a long time but looks like it might touch…
OPRA's First Review!

On the 17th of March, a day made famous by green beer and angry Irish men, an unfortunate event took place" OPRA's wife went into labor. Unfortunate only in that OPRA had big plans for the day that …
DRM Reduces MP3 Player Battery Life

A study recently demonstrated that playing back MP3 and WMA files encoded with DRM (digital rights management) copy protection can reduce battery life up to 25%.
Drug Bust Turns into DVD Bust

According to a Oregon's KPTV (a Fox Affiliate news agency), Deputies thought they were working a drug bust, but instead of a stash of drugs, they say they found a stash of stolen movies.
Toshiba and Canon set SED production to Q4 ‘07

Last week Canon and Toshiba jointly announced plans to begin mass production of SED displays in July 2007. This puts a…
Microsoft Unveils Ultra‑Mobile PC (UMPC)

After months of spurious word-of-mouth hype and clever marketing about Microsoft's Project Origami, the company finally showed off some products today from Samsung and ASUS.
LG May Develop HD‑DVD / Blu‑ray Combo Player

Fresh from the rumor mill: LG will drop production of the BD199 Blu-ray Disc player as it considers developing a combo HD DVD / Blu-ray player .
The Real World...OPRA!

My presence on Audioholics has been increasing for the last year or so... no more so than when I gave myself the title of OPRA.
Day and Date Releases Coming Soon

Reuters and The Hollywood Reporter are covering a controversial "day-and-date" film-release strategy. This is the second potential threat to theater owners in which movies…
HDCP‑Compliant Video Cards Elude the Market

Published specifications of HDCP compliance in many popular video cards aren't exactly what they appear. Since 2003, about the time HDCP picked up…
Defective Software in Sony LCD TVs

Remember Sony's new Bravia line of LCD and LCD rear projector TVs that launched late last year? These were the TVs marketed with ads…