Recent Home Theater Editorials
New Partnership To Make Dirac Live Integration Easier For Audio Manufacturers

A new partnership integrates Dirac Live room correction into the Peerless Flow DSP platform, enabling home and pro audio companies to integrate Dirac Live seamlessly and efficiently.
Hate Crimes against Geeks on the Rise

The long running joke of high school is beating up the geek. It's in practically every movie in the genre. For many geeks it was considered a "right of passage" that gave them the drive and …
HD Radio ‑ Next Big Thing or Flop?

HD Radio makes sense. Digital music with meta information similar to mp3, but with even more flexibility. As the digital transition looms nearer for televisions, radio - for the most part seems bent …
Cable a la Carte

It seems to make intuitive sense - why should you have to pay for cable channels you never watch? It's not hard to see the benefit for the end user - only pay for the channels you actually watch. In …
Paperless Society on the Horizon?

Japan has many long and established traditions, not the least of them is paper. That isn't stopping Japanese scientists from trying to do away with this resource dependent form of communication. …
The High Definition Downloads War ‑ Who Will Win?

In this new era of high definition TV and high speed Internet, it's almost ludicrous to think that in the coming years people will be content to wait for a physical disc to show up in the mail. …
The Future of Computers and Entertainment

As much as I love to bash Steve Jobs (and I really, really do), you got to give the man his props. The iPhone had barely hit the market before people were coming up with new and interesting uses for …
File Sharing NOT the Devil!

Just when you thought you'd never hear a scrap of reason from the big record labels, recently acquired ex-Google employee Glen Merrill who now heads up EMI's digital strategy department said that …
AV Rant #55: Monster Einstein

In this episode, Tom and Clint answer questions about downloading high rez audio online, A/Bing speakers if you don't have a bunch of fancy equipment, and what do you do if you want to get high def …
Wii Remote and iPhone to control Bomb Squad Robot

Engineers have modified a US military bomb deactivating robot to be controlled by a Wii remote and an iPhone. The engineers just love their gadgets, but this could be one of those out-of-the-box …
Turn Off Your Home Theaters to Observe Earth Hour

Tomorrow marks the second annual Earth Hour event where major cities around the world will be turning off their power for a full hour. For home theater buffs, perhaps now is a good opportunity to …
Making Peace with Blu‑ray

I admit that I’ve had my share of anti-Blu-ray rants in the past. But that’s all over now. It’s time for the Toshib-ati to put away the pitchforks and just accept Blu-ray as the high- def disc format …
AV Rant #53: Monster Podcast

Tom and Clint have a ton of email to sort through so they get right to it. They start off touching on watts briefly and then move on to soundproofing. What should you look for when shopping for a …
AV Rant #51: We're not the Crazy Ones

J and Tom tackle the questions we got over the weekend plus a few more issues. Should you go with a dedicated center or maybe do away with a center all together? Can iTunes make you want to buy CDs? …
Meridian MF10 Projector = JVC DLA‑RS2 plus Ripoff

It's not uncommon the see manufacturers occasionally re-brand a product with their own moniker and sell it as their own. We've seen this in the past with Rotel re-branding APC power conditioners, and …
AVRant #50: The Real Dina

AV Rant reaches the big 50! Tom and Clint need therapy. Tom will never learn his lesson about Wordpress but he did learn something about Dina. Chet weighs in on Knight Rider. Tom is reviewing Army of …
Format War Pricing Aftermath: Blu‑ray Up, HD‑DVD Down

The long awaited end to the format war may help consumers by clearing up some confusion created by choice in HD optical discs, but it is not bringing about better pricing to the consumer. Based on …
AVRant #49: Explicit 24p

Clint and Tom tackle a bunch of questions from you. Ken, Rick, Cliff and Ed… thanks for the questions. What's the deal with Blu-ray Profile 1.1 and 2.0 and receivers that decode internally? How does …
Mind‑blowing Blu‑ray with BD 2.0? Maybe.

Recently a report came out on which covered a very interesting presentation given by James Gosling at the Sun Tech Day in Sydney. Gosling is the "father" of the Java scripting language …
AVRant #48: Protect Mode

Tom's dad ran into a very common problem with his receiver. What does Tom think about people that say that adding connectors to the end of your speaker cable degrades sound. Can you guess? Tom throws …
AVRant #47: Toshiba, Headphones, Test Discs

J's back and we've got a lot of questions… don't worry, we'll get to you soon. Toshiba's plans post HD DVD is discussed. Upscaling DVD players? Downloadable content? What the heck is going on here? …
AVRant #46: Fly‑overs

In today's podcast, the AV Rant HD DVD poll results are revealed and discussed. Tom gives a quick update to his Comcast Cable HD issues. So far - it isn't looking good. Where do you listen to music …
Abrupt End to HD DVD From Paramount and DreamWorks

All that’s left of the format war now are the official announcements of HD DVD abandonment. Thus far it had only been speculated that Paramount was going to walk out on some of its announced HD DVD …
AV Rant #45: Power Conditioner or Rip‑off?

This podcast is sure to anger someone... could it be you? You'll have to listen in to find out. Clint and Tom tackle lots of questions like soundcards, 7.1 vs. 5.1, wireless speakers, running wires, …
AVRant #44: Killing Brain Cells

This podcast is full of topics such as more education about the high def formats (guess we should start referring to it as Blu-ray) is needed. While there are lots of types of compression, the thing …
Latest Xbox 360 Blu‑ray Rumor Stinks

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. That’s what Microsoft might be saying after Toshiba sounded the death knell to HD DVD yesterday. Rumors are circulating about a possible Xbox 360 Blu-ray add-on, but …
AVRant #43: Proper Planning

Another podcast on the books. Michael Bay did something funny (and for once it wasn't putting his foot in his mouth). Dina was supposed to be here but she couldn't because of technical difficulties. …
AVRant #42: Games for Anorexics

Dina starts off being mean to Tom (welcome back). Netflix sucks. Their "watch it now" movies is code for "not a chance sucka". Netflix goes Blu which is great for HD DVD owners who will hopefully …
Michael Bay wins the Format War

Thank you Michael Bay for providing me with an endless source of of podcasting and editorial material. Apparently Mr. Bay is taking credit (at least in part) for the imminent demise of HD DVD. While …