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The State of Blu-ray and HD-DVD The State of Blu-ray and HD-DVD It has been two-and-a-half years since next generation DVD was first announced (actually CES of 2003) by Sony.
IPTV: HDTV and More on Computers IPTV: HDTV and More on Computers "The day I made that statement, about inventing the Internet, I was tired because I'd been up all night inventing the Camcorder" -- Al Gore
Tom's Story: One Shoe to Rule Them All, and in the Press Room Bind Him Tom's Story: One Shoe to Rule Them All, and in the Press Room Bind Him After my whopping 3 hours of sleep, I trudge downstairs to have breakfast with the gang. I'm so tired I can't decide if I should call my wife or not because I can't figure out if she's an hour ahead…
Toshiba, Sony Fail to Unify Hi-Def DVD Format Toshiba, Sony Fail to Unify Hi-Def DVD Format Plans for a "one format to rule them all" unified high definition DVD format seems to now be officially scrapped after Sony Corp. and…
Next Generation DVDs - Not So Great? Next Generation DVDs - Not So Great? "Hi, I'm From the IRS & I'm Here to Help You."
Audioholics Commemorates 7 Years of Online Success Audioholics Commemorates 7 Years of Online Success Here's a recap of our 7th year anniversary party back in 2005. At Audioholics we not only pride ourselves on rigorous reviews, but close-knit family environment, and this party is one example of that.
Sonos - All Your Music In The Palm Of Your Hand Sonos - All Your Music In The Palm Of Your Hand You thought about it for a long time, debated it until your left brain and your right brain were sick of arguing. Finally you've gone and done it. Filled up 277 gigabytes of your brand-new 300GB hard…
The Golden Age of Hi-Fi - How It All Started The Golden Age of Hi-Fi - How It All Started Winslow come here! I need you! The story of how HiFi started, as told by Mr. Purkeyns, Mr. Wellinbible, and Lady Chatterlip. Trust us, this is exactly how it happened.
Audio Acronyms, Formats and Technologies - Does It Ever End? Audio Acronyms, Formats and Technologies - Does It Ever End? We have come a long way in consumer electronics and along the way we have had our share of formats, technologies and the…
Grokster Defeat Reveals MPAA Attitude Grokster Defeat Reveals MPAA Attitude The Grokster vs MGM decision shouldn't have come as a big surprise to anyone last month even though lots of us clutched that faint ray of hope the Sony VCR ruling would help shield the industry. The…