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AVRant #46: Fly-overs
In today's podcast, the AV Rant HD DVD poll results are revealed and discussed. Tom gives a quick update to his Comcast Cable HD issues. So far - it isn't looking good. Where do you listen to music…
Abrupt End to HD DVD From Paramount and DreamWorks
All that’s left of the format war now are the official announcements of HD DVD abandonment. Thus far it had only been speculated that Paramount was going to walk out on some of its announced HD DVD…
AV Rant #45: Power Conditioner or Rip-off?
This podcast is sure to anger someone... could it be you? You'll have to listen in to find out. Clint and Tom tackle lots of questions like soundcards, 7.1 vs. 5.1, wireless speakers, running wires,…
AVRant #44: Killing Brain Cells
This podcast is full of topics such as more education about the high def formats (guess we should start referring to it as Blu-ray) is needed. While there are lots of types of compression, the thing…
Latest Xbox 360 Blu-ray Rumor Stinks
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. That’s what Microsoft might be saying after Toshiba sounded the death knell to HD DVD yesterday. Rumors are circulating about a possible Xbox 360 Blu-ray add-on, but…
AVRant #43: Proper Planning
Another podcast on the books. Michael Bay did something funny (and for once it wasn't putting his foot in his mouth). Dina was supposed to be here but she couldn't because of technical difficulties.…
AVRant #42: Games for Anorexics
Dina starts off being mean to Tom (welcome back). Netflix sucks. Their "watch it now" movies is code for "not a chance sucka". Netflix goes Blu which is great for HD DVD owners who will hopefully…
Michael Bay wins the Format War
Thank you Michael Bay for providing me with an endless source of of podcasting and editorial material. Apparently Mr. Bay is taking credit (at least in part) for the imminent demise of HD DVD. While…
AVRant #41: Bipolar Music Disorder
Today, Tom and Clint tackle listener questions on room acoustics and what to do with bipolar music speakers. Tom psychoanalyzes a $6 million home theater system and they tackle the age old question:…
HD DVD Should Re-think PR After Beatings From Netflix and Best Buy
When you work for the HD DVD Promotions Group you look forward to Friday. So far this week - Netflix announced it’s dropping HD DVD and Best Buy, the country’s largest consumer electronics retailer,…