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Artison Sketch LCR Flat Panel Speakers Review Artison Sketch LCR Flat Panel Speakers Review We got our first "up close and personal" look at Artison's products back at the 2004 CEDIA convention. Curt Chrisholm of Velodyne introduced us to these custom flat panel speakers (it was the…
Aperion Audio Intimus 632-LR Loudspeaker Review Aperion Audio Intimus 632-LR Loudspeaker Review We’ve been big fans of several direct-to-consumer loudspeaker manufacturers - but only after they proved to us that their products held up against comparable models by more mainstream manufacturers.…
Speaker Face Off IV - Battle of the Budget Bookshelf's Speaker Face Off IV - Battle of the Budget Bookshelf's Over the past few years there has been much talk about budget speakers. With this in mind, we decided to conduct a bookshelf speaker shoot out. We selected four different brands of speakers all under…
BG Z-1 Ribbon Monitor Loudspeaker System BG Z-1 Ribbon Monitor Loudspeaker System BG Corporation was founded in 1994 and is based in Carson City, Nevada. Up until late last year, they went by the brand name Bohlender-Graebener but today prefer to be simply known as BG. Their focus…
Mi-Horn VHT Series Loudspeaker System Review Mi-Horn VHT Series Loudspeaker System Review Musical Industry (MI) was founded November, 2002. Their objective is the pursuit of lower cost sound improvements in hi-end audio. Upon a quick glance at their site, I must admit to a high level of…
Phase Tech CI-20VII In-wall Speakers Review Phase Tech CI-20VII In-wall Speakers Review I have reviewed many in-wall and in-ceiling speaker systems during the past year, more than any other A/V product. This is because I have the ability to install them without destroying my living room…
Speaker Face-Off III: High End Bookshelves Speaker Face-Off III: High End Bookshelves You may be puzzled when you look at this Loudspeaker Face Off Review and notice that there are brands and models of Loudspeakers ranging drastically in price and size. There are reasons to our…
Atlantic Technology System 4200e Review Atlantic Technology System 4200e Review Let me start by saying that I truly love reviewing loudspeakers. I really do. However, I had just completed reviewing several loudspeaker systems over the last couple of months and the thought of one…
RBH Sound Signature SE/R Series Review RBH Sound Signature SE/R Series Review RBH Sound's Signature Series represents their "cream of the crop" in loudspeaker design. We took a pair of 61-SE/R and 661-SE/R center channel for a spin to see how they performed. This series of…
Triad Gold MiniMonitor Loudspeaker Review Triad Gold MiniMonitor Loudspeaker Review Triad Speakers is located in Portland, Oregon, home of some of the best microbrewery beers in the US. Nestled between the numerous quality breweries, tucked away very close to downtown Portland is…