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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Blu-ray Review
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is directed by Ang Lee and filled with gorgeous outdoor sets and wildly varying Chinese terrain. Within lays a mythic story torn from the pages of a fairy tale.
Brooklyn's Finest Blu-ray Review
I came out of watching Brooklyn’s Finest on Blu-ray with just disappointment. The Audio and video quality didn't wow me and the experience wasn't memorable. Rent, don't buy this movie.
Passengers Blu-ray Disc Review
Passengers on Blu-ray is set to be released on May 12, but we'd be very surprised to see copies of this relatively unknown film rushing off the shelves. The hype around Passengers was minimal at…
Rush - Snakes & Arrows Live DVD Review
“Thanks to epic songs, fantastical lyrics and
extravagant drum solos, [Rush] rocks on through the
21st century…the scope of [their] achievements is
–Rolling Stone
Into the Wild HD DVD Review
Into the Wild is among the last round of Paramount HD DVD releases. The Golden Globe winning movie tells the story of a young man who tried to escape civilization. It turns out to be one of the great…
HD DVD Review: Eastern Promises Starring Academy Award Nominee Viggo Mortensen
Academy Award Nominee Viggo Mortensen teams up for second time with director David Cronenberg for Eastern Promises a hard hitting crime thriller. This HD DVD review contains no spoilers! I highly…
Transformers HD DVD 2-Disc Special Edition Review
Once upon a time there were plastic Japanese toys that changed from cars into robots. Now we have huge blockbuster movies that change our childhood toys into reality! Ok, maybe not reality, but the…
We Were Soldiers HD DVD Review
I nabbed the We Were Soldiers HD DVD early on since it was a pairing of Randall Wallace and Mel Gibson. That's as good as calling it Braveheart II as far as I'm concerned. It turns out the HD DVD…
Batman Begins HD DVD Review
If ever a movie was created to tap into the depths of just how far a DLP or LCD projector can go with regard to black levels you would think it was Batman Begins. Full of scene after scene of dark,…
Miami Vice HD DVD Review
Miami Vice surprised me by being a "straight shooter" in the midst of a series of campy remakes that poked fun at their counterparts. As far as the technological side of the DVD, this is by far the…