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AV Rant #273: Interview with PJ Pesce AV Rant #273: Interview with PJ Pesce For this special episode of AV Rant, Tom welcomes Clint DeBoer, Editor in Chief of Audioholics and PJ Pesce. PJ is a writer, director, musician and more. Warning: mild use of language in this episode.
Comcast Streampix, No Threat To Netflix Comcast Streampix, No Threat To Netflix Comcast has announced the launch of a streaming media service called Xfinity Streampix that's positioned to compete directly with Netflix.
AV Rant #272: Badmouthing the Brits AV Rant #272: Badmouthing the Brits This week, Tom admits he was wrong (don’t tell his wife) about iCloud Match. Liz liked Tom’s article on Defining Confusing Audio Terms. Why aren’t we shooting video in 120Hz? Plus lots more!
Defining Confusing Audio Terms Defining Confusing Audio Terms In any industry, you'll run into specific lexicons. These are words that may mean completely different things to different people. We've taken some and listed them, along with their definitions, here.
Enter to Win FREE Moshi Headphones by Showing off your Music Collection! Enter to Win FREE Moshi Headphones by Showing off your Music Collection! Show off your music collection for a chance of winning a FREE pair of Moshi Vortex headphones.
MonoPrice RedMere Active HDMI Cables Preview MonoPrice RedMere Active HDMI Cables Preview MonoPrice's new cables are using the active amplification provided by RedMere for 10.2 Gbps HDMI data throughput up to 20 meters (65 feet) and at 6.75 Gbps, which is sufficient for 3D video and more.
Google Making Android Home Entertainment System Google Making Android Home Entertainment System What is Google up to? We've reviewed GoogleTV, even taking a look at several different iterations, including the Logitech Revue GoogleTV and the Sony Google. But apparently that's not the end.
The Insanity of Marketing Disguised as Loudspeaker Science The Insanity of Marketing Disguised as Loudspeaker Science This article is an opinion piece on why you simply cannot declare Speaker XXX is better than Speaker YYY based on a few measurement graphs or so called "DBT's" conducted by a manufacturer.
DISH Expands Blockbuster Offerings DISH Expands Blockbuster Offerings DISH Network recently announced the expansion of family and kid's programming available through the company’s Blockbuster @Home entertainment package. DISH will add more than 3,000 titles.
SVS and Audioholics Team Up to Bring You a Free PB12-NSD or SB12-NSD Subwoofer! SVS and Audioholics Team Up to Bring You a Free PB12-NSD or SB12-NSD Subwoofer! SV Sound is giving away either a PB12-NSD or a SB12-NSD (winner's choice) Subwoofer to one (1) lucky entrant in our forum contest!