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Gefen Unveils 4-Way High Definition HDMI Switcher Gefen Unveils 4-Way High Definition HDMI Switcher Connectivity solutions provider Gefen plans to release its new ex-tend-it 4x1 HDMI Switcher at CEDIA. With it, high definittion displays become multi-purpose machines with streamlined connections to…
NHT Unveils New Generation of DSP Powered Speakers NHT Unveils New Generation of DSP Powered Speakers NHT (Now Hear This) recently previewed a new DEQX CalibratedTM DSP-corrected, powered speaker system that reduces distortion and offers impeccable frequency and phase response, regardless of…
DVD Industry Insider Report - The Scoop on DVD-R9 / DVD+R9 DVD Industry Insider Report - The Scoop on DVD-R9 / DVD+R9 DVD Industry Insider Report - August 20, 2004 The Scoop on Emerging DVD-R9 / DVD+R9 Hardware, Technologies and Standards Recently…
Apogee and Infra-Com to Develop and Market Wireless Digital Technology Apogee and Infra-Com to Develop and Market Wireless Digital Technology Apogee Technology, Inc., a leading provider of digital audio amplification integrated circuits ("ICs"), today announced an agreement with Infra-Com Ltd. to jointly develop and market ICs that will…
SRS Circle Surround 2 for Japan's Soccer Broadcasts SRS Circle Surround 2 for Japan's Soccer Broadcasts SRS Labs, Inc., a leading provider of innovative audio, voice and semiconductor technology solutions, today announced that 38 member stations of the JFN Network, Japan's leading broadcasting network…
CEDIA Preview: Gefen Unveils Wireless HDTV Extension Prototype CEDIA Preview: Gefen Unveils Wireless HDTV Extension Prototype Gefen, Inc. is pleased to present its first-ever, wireless digital video extension solution. The ex-tend-it HDTV Wireless Extender employs laser technology to extend high resolution digital video up…
DTS Completes Successful Test of Lossless Digital Sound for Cinema DTS Completes Successful Test of Lossless Digital Sound for Cinema DTS (Digital Theater Systems, Inc.) announces the successful completion of the first "real-world" application of DTS Lossless digital sound for cinema at the North American Museum of Ancient Life at…
New Digital Home Theater Receiver from Kenwood Spotlights TI Technology New Digital Home Theater Receiver from Kenwood Spotlights TI Technology Texas Instruments Incorporated announced a new consumer product from Kenwood that features TI's PurePath Digital(TM) technology. Helping to differentiate home theater equipment, PurePath Digital…
SAM'S Club to Sell DVR & DVD Recorders with TiVo SAM'S Club to Sell DVR & DVD Recorders with TiVo From top- rated reality shows to syndicated sitcoms, SAM'S CLUB members can now find and record their favorite television programs using the popular TiVo® digital video recording (DVR) service. The…
Slim Devices Squeezbox Upgraded with Graphics Display Slim Devices Squeezbox Upgraded with Graphics Display Slim Devices, Inc. today introduced an update to Squeezebox(TM), the award-winning networked music player with that streams digital music from a user's computer to any stereo or home theater. The…