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AVRant #10: Tom is a Badass and Dina is Evil AVRant #10: Tom is a Badass and Dina is Evil Dina and Tom finish their discussion of her undercover trip to Best Buy. This one is all about cables and power. John could have suggested using the analogue inputs for high def audio but that was…
Audioholics 9th Annual "State of the CE Union" Event and Party Audioholics 9th Annual "State of the CE Union" Event and Party Join us in Clearwater Beach, Florida on October 5th at the 9th Annual State of the CE Union Party Event. The event features 4 live 7.1 A/V demo rooms, a formal dining event and much more. The…
Integra Delivers its First HDMI 1.3a Compatible AV Receiver Integra Delivers its First HDMI 1.3a Compatible AV Receiver Integra has announced immediate deliveries of its first home theater receiver with HDMI 1.3a processing. The Integra DTR-5.8 AV receiver allows the end-user to exploit the advanced audio and video…
Impact Acoustics Announces 6x2 HD Component Selector Switch Impact Acoustics Announces 6x2 HD Component Selector Switch Impact Acoustics is proud to introduce its new 6x2 Component Video Matrix Selector Switch. This controller device enables six HDTV source devices to be plugged into one selector switch which can then…
Free Markets vs. Corporate Greed - Analysis of the HD Format War Free Markets vs. Corporate Greed - Analysis of the HD Format War There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding as to the nature of true competition and the nature of government intervention in the free market. As our model for discussion, let's take the European…
Ask AVRant #3: Calibration Ask AVRant #3: Calibration Kurt wants to know about the BFD while Matt is curious about calibration equipment in general. Since these are both related J and I went ahead and answered them together. We cover not only what…
DVDO Upgrades to 1080p24 via Firmware DVDO Upgrades to 1080p24 via Firmware Anchor Bay today announced a free software upgrade for its DVDO iScan VP50 video processor that allows the system to produce a 1080p-24 output for any standard- or high-definition input, enabling an…
Sony Denies PS3 Price Cut Rumors - Then Recants Sony Denies PS3 Price Cut Rumors - Then Recants Sony's President, Ryoji Chubachi, stated that the PS3 is not going to incur any price cuts at present. It had been rumored that Sony would take advantage of reducedBlu-ray disc player manufacturing…
EU Continues Probe of HD Video Formats EU Continues Probe of HD Video Formats A slowly simmering probe by the European Union into the format war has taken a new turn. EU antitrust regulators have requested that a number Hollywood studios turn over information about their…
Psst! Buddy! You lookin for a Deal? Psst! Buddy! You lookin for a Deal? You want a deal, we've got a deal for you! Impact Acoustics is offering Audioholics members a special limited time only 20% off EVERYTHING! Yes, that's right, everything they sell is now 20% off.…