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Why MP3's Won't Kill High Fidelity
It seems every six months or so there is a diatribe about the death of high end audio. We've even written a few here. Kids are getting used to MP3s and therefore high end audio is dying. I disagree.
Goldmund's Million Dollar Wall of Sound
Goldmund, a Swiss company who built a reported million dollar studio. Our favorite quote: "Most of you are familiar with 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound. With Goldman we are able to do up to 128 channels."
And So It Begins... FCC Allows MPAA to Control Your TV
After years of wrangling with regulators at the FCC to allow retroactive disabling of analog HDTV outputs, the MPAA was finally able to convince the agency to allow them to SOC it to consumers.
Avatar Blu-ray Highlights DRM Troubles
So many consumers went home disappointed this week, hoping to watch a brand new copy of Avatar in flawless HD, that Best Buy put firmware update notices online and in stores to stave off mass returns.
OLET May Render OLED Obsolete
Get ready to keep holding your breath for a new hope: the Organic Light Emitting Transistor (OLET). Findings suggests that OLET can outperform OLED in both brightness and efficiency in emitting light.
Open Source Blu-ray Authoring Software Sees Light of Day
Blu-ray video authoring is an expensive proposition, but recently, an open source software group has developed the basis for an alternative to expensive proprietary software.
FCC's AllVid to Bail Out Failed CableCARD Technology
CableCARD. The technology that would allow any manufacturer to interface with satellite and cableTV programming. Except that, like the Tiger Woods Center for Marriage Enrichment, it failed miserably.
Denon Turns 100 - New Receivers, Blu-ray, Headphones
Denon turns 100 and releases new receivers, Blu-ray players, and headphones. The headphones will be noise-canceling, the Blu-ray players universal, and the receivers feature packed.
Is 3D HDTV Right For You?
Just in case you haven't purchased enough A/V upgrades in the last few years, the home 3D home-video age is now upon us with plenty of new upgrades for your home theater system.
VUDU Scoops Avatar HD Streaming
VUDU announced this morning that they are the only streaming media service provider that will offer Avatar in HD on April 22nd at 12:01 am EST, Earth Day, in a rare day-and-date release.