Auralex MoPADs Monitor Isolation Review
The Auralex MoPADs Monitor Isolation are pads to put under your speakers that decouple them and allow you to aim them in the desired direction.
Velodyne SMS-1 Subwoofer Parametric EQ System Review
The SMS-1 is basically Velodyne’s flagship Digital Drive room correction software offloaded into a standalone system that allows it to be used with any (even *gasp* non-Velodyne) subwoofers.
GIK Acoustics 244 Absorption Panel Review
GIK Acoustics 244 Absorption Panels are affordable alternatives to the usually very expensive room treatment options on the market.
RealTraps MiniTraps MicroTraps MondoTraps Review
RealTraps come in three flavors (and sizes) - MiniTraps (small), MicroTraps (medium), and MondoTraps (large). Room treatment aims to increase the ratio of direct to reflected sound.