Continental Seating -Theater Chair Solutions
When we stopped by the RBH Sound booth, we couldn't help but drool over their
We remembered it so well from last year's
that as soon as we saw the door open, we rushed inside for the next demo.
What we found was a plethora of very nice looking theater chairs ranging from firm to soft leather and support.
I felt like Goldie Locks trying to determine which seat was right for me.
Some of our staff chose the firmer chairs. Not me.
I went right for the comfort chair.
You know the one.
It's the chair you melt into after a hard days work.
The one you fall asleep in as quickly as you flip on the high-definition NFL game.
Shortly after my nirvana chair extravaganza I woke up to a shadow hovering over me. Still dazed and confused, my first reaction was - solar eclipse. But, after I came to my senses and realized I was indoors at CEDIA, I saw it was a very large man that looked like he could knock me out of the chair with one swat. Assuming it was the RBH Sound bouncer, I quickly stood at attention prepared to get booted out of the room for spending too much time in sonic and comfort bliss. Instead, I was nicely greeted by Rick Neverdousky - National Accounts Director for Continental Seating.
He took us on a design tour of their theater chairs on display. Dumbfounded by the amount of customization options and solutions his company offered for seating, my attention drifted in wonder about what kinds of chairs they could make that would work in my new reference theater room.
Their Titan chair (pictured) is for Terminator sized guys like Rick. It measures 46" high x 41" deep with a seat width of 31.5". This king-sized chair is big enough to accommodate any anabolic bodybuilder or a half dozen cheerleaders. Personally, I'd rather see a demonstration of the latter.
Rick told us they can pretty much accommodate anyone's needs for seating. You want a powered recliner? No problem. What about an area to store your remotes or touch panel displays? Piece of cake. Wanna gang a few chairs together? You got it! With all of their chair sizes, grades, configurations, and color options, this is the company to consider for your seating needs.
As I left the CinemaSITE room, I couldn't help but think about the comfort seat I found. When will I see my this beauty again?
For more information, visit Continental Seating .