Sonic Immersion Wireless Digital Audio Link Review
- Product Name: 2600T-A (Pre-Production)
- Manufacturer: Sonic Immersion Technologies
- Performance Rating:
- Value Rating:
- Review Date: July 20, 2006 20:00
- MSRP: $ 549
Digital Audio Link
Maximum Audio Input Level: 2 volts RMS
Range: 30-150
Number of RF Channels: Six
Number of Audio Channels: Two
RF Band:
5.8 GHz
Power Supply: AC Adapter (9-volt)
Digital Audio Link Receiver:
Output Level: Equal to Input Level at transmitter
Power Supply: AC Adapter
- The first wireless working solution for portions of home theater systems.
- Easy Installation
- Excellent Build Quality
- User selectable encryption codes
- Excellent customer service and support.
- Pricey
- Intermittent interference using full range signal (pre-production unit)
- Short 120 day limited warranty
- Poor range capabilities.
Features and Build Quality
Pre-wiring a complex multi-speaker home theater system in an existing single-family home, condo or townhouse can be a daunting task even for the highly trained professional A/V installer. Obstacles such as tile floors, no attic or cellar access, two story homes, and location of windows and doors in your future home theater room can compromise locations of speakers. The last thing that many new homeowners want to do is demolish wall plaster or ceiling sheetrock in their new home to install wire for speaker and subwoofer locations. Many simply give up and what they end up with is wire running on top of the floor, across doorways, or worse a two-speaker home theater system. Another possible installation consideration would be if your amplifier is permanently installed in your media room but you wanted to distribute audio from a source such as a CD player or other analog device located in another part of your house.
There have been many attempts to find a solution to these very common problems. Wireless technology has been touted as the perfect fix for applications like this. Unfortunately there have been no cost effective products suitable for high-end home theaters or whole house audio distribution. Many manufacturers claim reliable operation, but every wireless transmitter and receiver we have tested and evaluated to date has been plagued with intermittent operation, signal interference, and limited bandwidth problems.
Sonic Immersion Technologies, located in the beautiful state of Kentucky is yet another manufacturer claiming a solution to this long, hard, fought problem. We must admit that after several failed wireless product evaluations, we started this review with a high degree of skepticism. Read on to find out if this manufacturer has found the magic combination to unlock this complex problem.
Features and Build Quality
The Digital Audio Link is a wire-free 5.8GHz class "B" receiver and transmitter system. The system consists of a transmitter, receiver, and two nine-volt AC adapter transformers the transmitter and receiver feature changeable transmitting and receiving channels and encryption codes. This is accomplished with eight encryption dipswitches and three channel dipswitches. This feature is very handy to have and should prevent interference from devices such as cordless phones.
The transmitter has a red LED power indicator and gold plated right and left line level channel inputs. The receiver features a red LED power indicator and a green LED signal receive indicator. The receiver also has right and left line-level channel outputs. The transmitter and receiver is very small, compact, and elegantly designed. As Shown below both the transmitter and receiver are smaller than a DVD case. We ordered the short distance version of the kit; this would most likely be the correct version to order for most single room home theater systems. The Digital Audio Link short distance kit has an effective range of about 150ft. The kit is also available in a medium range for longer distances up to a claimed 300ft.

We wanted to test the system's ability to transmit and receive a two-channel analog signal in the same room without signal interference and signal degradation. Setting up our first evaluation system, we used the Yamaha RX-V2600 and CD player placed at one end of our 30ft room, and an amplifier and a pair of Axiom M3Ti at the other end of the room. We connected the Digital Audio Link transmitter to the Yamaha RX-V2600's main front left and right analog pre-outs using Impact Acoustics Sonic Wave Interconnects and selected pure direct bypassing all bass management and sending a full range signal to the transmitter. This evaluation is to simulate the need for wireless rear surround speakers in your home theater system. The installer would be able to place the main part of the equipment in the A/V rack and then provide amplification at the rear of the room for the surrounds, thus eliminating the need for long wire runs. Another possible solution would be to use self-amplified speakers as the rear surrounds.Listening Evaluation & Conclusion
The Private Music Of Patrick O'Hearn
Looking through our CD collection, we selected the new age instrumental CD The Private Music Of Patrick O'Hearn. This older CD released for sale back in 1992 is chock full of high-energy electronic synthesizer, horn and percussion music. If you're a fan of instrumental music you should have this CD in your collection.
Next, the thought occurred to us that this might be a problem with power. Keeping in mind that the DC transformer used with the Digital Audio Link is nine volts, we assembled two isolated power supplies using two nine volt batteries and two salvaged power cables from discarded transformers. Using our DIY power supplies the high frequency whistle was significantly muted, but the strange series of intermittent pops and clicks remained.
We tried every possible thing to find a solution to the problem. We even tried the Digital Audio Link with several other pre-amp and amplifier combinations in different rooms of the building but we were unable to rectify the problem. We decided to proceed with the product evaluation in the hope that we may find a solution.Selecting track number seven "Down Hill Racer" we began our evaluation. From the very first note we were stunned and amazed at the level of clarity achieved by the wireless transmitted signal. The little Axiom Audio M3Ti bookshelf speakers really sounded enormous and effortlessly reproduced the magic of Patrick O'Hearn's music. Saying we really love these little speakers would be an understatement! We found it very surprising that once the Digital Audio Link began transmitting signal the mysterious clicks and pops we encountered previously were not audible in the transmitted signal. We can only assume that if the Digital Audio Link is not transmitting signal it must be picking up RF from some source at our location.
We continued our evaluation and listened to the Patrick O'Hearn CD in its entirety. The Digital Audio Link never missed a beat reproducing this wonderful music, it sounded as though we were listening to a hard-wired system. We were pleasantly surprised at the level of performance achieved using the Digital Audio Link to transmit wireless full range signal from our receiver to our amplifier.
Reviewer's Note
We have had several recent conversations with Sonic Immersion Technologies about the interference problem we encountered in the full bandwidth evaluation period. Sonic Immersion Technologies indicates they are aware of the problem with the pre-production evaluation unit they sent us for review and have their engineers working on a solution before the Digital Audio Link is released for sale. This information is welcome news and if the engineers can find a solution to this problem the Digital Audio Link would be considered a very high value product.
Continuing with our evaluation, we wanted to see how the Digital Audio Link would handle LFE transmitted signal from our receivers LFE output to our Axiom Audio EP-600 subwoofer's input. This installation scenario reproduces the need for a wireless subwoofer location. Many pre-constructed homes, condos, townhouses, and apartments have no access to install wire runs for optimal subwoofer locations.
Setting up the Digital Audio Link for LFE transmission, we connected a "Y" splitter from the Yamaha RX-V2600's LFE subwoofer pre-out to the Digital Audio Link transmitter right and left input. Next, we connected a pair of analog interconnects from the Digital Audio Link receiver's right and left channel out-puts to the right and left channel inputs on the Axiom Audio EP-600 . This would be the correct method of termination for a single subwoofer that has right and left analog inputs using the Digital Audio Link. If you were using dual subwoofers you would be able to use the right output from the Digital Audio Link to supply signal to one subwoofer and the left output to supply signal to the other subwoofer. The crossover setting on our Yamaha RX-V2600 was set for 80Hz and all speakers were set to small, thus redirecting all frequencies below 80Hz to the subwoofer.
LFE Evaluation
Powering up the receiver and the subwoofer, we were very surprised and somewhat mystified that we heard dead silence. Gone was the mysterious pop and click we encountered during the full range evaluation. Tuning up the receiver to a high volume level with no source playing and placing our ears in close proximity to the subwoofer driver we heard absolutely no noise, whistle, or hiss.War Of The Worlds
We selected the LFE intense DVD War Of The Worlds for evaluating the performance of transmitted LFE signal between the Digital Audio Link and our Axiom Audio EP-600 subwoofer .We selected this DVD because it contains a significant amount of gut wrenching LFE effects. We use this DVD regularly for product evaluation and that gives us the benefit of knowing what the sound track should sound like.
We began our LFE evaluation with chapter six, "Machine Emerges". As the alien vessel begins to make its assent from under the ground, the road begins to crack, break up, and splinter apart. The wireless transmitted LFE signal between the Digital Audio Link and the Axiom Audio EP-600 subwoofer was absolutely flawless. We could detect no amount of signal degradation or loss of information transmitted from the DVD's LFE sequence. As usual the Axiom Audio EP-600 subwoofer rocked the house and had everything in our room human and non-human feeling the effects of the awesome LFE content. At no time during the DVD LFE evaluation period did we experience any noise, signal degradation, or any other strange anomaly. All that was heard and felt were the clean glorious LFE effects provided by the excellent sound track found on the DVD.
Range Test
The manufacturer claims a useable range between 30-150 feet. We placed the receiver and transmitter in various locations in our building and we were only able to obtain a steady useable range of about 50ft with one wall between the receiver and transmitter. Distances longer than 50 feet produced intermittent signal dropouts and/or no signal at all. We were pretty disappointed with the range performance of the Digital Audio Link considering it's a 5.8 GHz device. We expected far better range and we therefore cannot recommend the device for use in multi-room installations.
The Digital Audio Link is by far the best wireless receiver and transmitter we have tested to date, and it should be considering its somewhat lofty price tag. We started this review with skepticism and a simple question: Is the Digital Audio Link the product that finally unlocks the combination for successful wireless home theater? Our answer to this would be that the Digital Audio Link fell just short of providing a viable solution for a complete wireless home theater system. The Digital Audio Link can be of great benefit for home theater installations that require wireless rear surrounds or wireless subwoofer locations.
This is the first wireless transmission/receiving device that we have reviewed that can be implemented and successfully installed in a high-end home theater system for transmission of wireless low frequency information to subwoofers and tactile transducers. The Digital Audio Link would also be a viable solution sending full bandwidth information to surround sound speakers providing the engineers fix the interference problem we encountered in our review. The simple fact is that the Digital Audio Link is a giant leap forward in wireless audio transmission devices, considering the previous devices we have evaluated.
This little transmitter and receiver may have the ability to open up doors for difficult installations where wires can't be installed. For many, this may be the difference in listening to their systems with or without surround sound speakers and subwoofers. Keeping this simple fact in mind, we find it hard not to recommend the Digital Audio Link for these types of installation scenarios and hope to see the bugs worked out for improved performance of full range wireless transmission.
Sonic Immersions Technologies
Tel: 270-444-0491
Fax: 270-442-7638
The Score Card
The scoring below is based on each piece of equipment doing the duty it is designed for. The numbers are weighed heavily with respect to the individual cost of each unit, thus giving a rating roughly equal to:
Performance × Price Factor/Value = Rating note: The ratings indicated below are based on subjective listening and objective testing of the product in question. The rating scale is based on performance/value ratio. If you notice better performing products in future reviews that have lower numbers in certain areas, be aware that the value factor is most likely the culprit. Other Audioholics reviewers may rate products solely based on performance, and each reviewer has his/her own system for ratings.
Audioholics Rating Scale
— Excellent
— Very Good
— Good
— Fair
— Poor
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