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Yamaha RX-V2500 General Info [0.16] by clint,September 09, 2004 20:00
Updates already? You betcha! Still hot from its stunning release of the…
CES 2005 Diary: Day 1 - Arrival [0.16] by toby,January 09, 2005 20:00
I arrived in Vegas late Wednesday evening and was none too thrilled to find out it was a lot colder than I expected.…
Mission USA Speakers [0.16] by clint,January 09, 2004 20:00
The m3 Series are positioned at an affordable price point and are geared for "entry level" users who wish to get Mission products at a good value. There are ten (yes, ten!) speaker models that are available in 3 finishes: Graphite Black, Beech, or Cherry.
CES 2007 Preview - Part 2 [0.16] by clint,December 04, 2006 18:26
We're continuing to report on the status of new and innovative products coming our way this CES. They range from portable consumer electornics to…
Viewing Evaluation & Conclusion [0.16] by clint,December 07, 2006 12:43
Behind the Scenes: Field Effects Recording Part 1 [0.16] by Toby D.,June 13, 2004 20:00
It usually comes as a surprise to even the most sophisticated of moviegoers that the sound effects in the films they watch are usually recreated and added after the film has been shot. All of this happens during a process known as post production. These sounds are typically not recorded on the set. Our minds are trained and used to the storytelling medium of the movie. We trust its realism and detach ourselves from the fact that it's a staged production. We allow ourselves to be transported and we believe what we see on screen. So much so, that often we only notice or consider such elements as sound effects in their absence, but rarely do we ponder their presence.
DVD-S97 Viewing, Listening Tests and Conclusion [0.16] by Chris Tham,December 07, 2006 12:46
Karat Reference 2 DC Terminals, Evaluations and Conclusion [0.16] by Steve DellaSala,December 07, 2006 13:07
Yamaha RX-V659 Remote, Listening Tests and Conclusion [0.16] by Gene,December 07, 2006 12:45
Pioneer VSX-516 Remote Control, Listening Tests, and Conclusion [0.16] by tom,May 03, 2006 20:00
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