Audio Precision to Discuss Amplifier Measurements at our Trade Show Event
As many of you are aware, I am not champion of the classic 1kHz instantaneous distortion vs power all channels driven test popularized by most of the major audio magazines as an accurate way of gauging amplifier performance.
In fact, I’ve written several articles on this topic which can be found here:
Thus I figured what better time than our 2008 SOTU Trade Show event this October 23rd and 24th at the Disney Dolphin Resort in Orlando Florida to invite Audio Precision – the world’s leading manufacturer of high end audio test equipment to talk about the measurements behind more meaningful multi channel amplifier standards.
are the bragging rights of gear manufacturers and owners alike. However, unlike
a math test in high-school, there is no single score that can tell you which
product is better. There are multiple specifications to deal with, many of
which appear similar to the untrained eye. However, even a trained eye will
raise questions as to which measurements and measurement techniques are most
relevant. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in power measurements for home
theater receivers and multi channel amplifiers.
Most power measurements in use today were designed for measuring two-channel stereo gear. Most audio analyzers in use today were designed for those tests. This model isn’t well suited for modern home theater receivers that feature at least 5 channels. This session will explore the challenges faced in testing home theater receivers/amplifiers and show sample results using new testing techniques that have recently become available.
Jonathan Novick, Director of Sales for Audio Precision, holds a B.S.E.E. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY and is currently the chairman of the Los Angeles Section of the Audio Engineering Society. He will be joining us at our event to discuss this topic in detail and look at the first steps taken towards a more meaningful measurement standard that could be universally adapted by the audio industry as a better and more efficient way of gauging multi channel amplifier performance.
If you are
an industry professional or manufacturer and wish to attend our event and
participate in this seminar we will waive the registration FEE for up to two
people from your organization which will also include all of our event amenities such as our 6 demo rooms, 2 days of breakfast, our semi formal dining event / Halloween costume party, auction and door prizes.
The Registration deadline is September 29th and our event is nearly sold out so > REGISTER NOW <.